Monday, October 15, 2007

End of study leave

1 week study leave had past. I did many E maths papers and memorise Social Studies. Tomorrow is Biology practical. I've to admit, I'm a little apprehensive about it. Though, Combined Science practical should be more difficult than Biology. I read up some notes already, going to read up more today.
On the 17th is our Graduation Day! I've recently bought a camera, which I am going to bring that day. I guess I'll cry or get teary-eyed.
On the 18th, back to practical exam. I hope everything will be alright. Just let me start the bunsen burner successfully for these 2 practicals. This will be the last time...Please...
Starting next week, O lvls starts.
Timetable for next week:
Mon~A maths paper 1
Tues~A maths paper 2
Till next time

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