Monday, August 25, 2008

POM is zzz

2 more days to POM and Accounting exams and I'm panicking already. A bit late for that now...
For the past 2 days I've not really been seriously studying. Yes, I completed POM but the problem is, I can't seem to remember anything. I've not even start on Accounting. I tried out one past year paper, to my utter horror, most of the MCQs choices are quite close and I'm not sure what answers to put. I don't even want to talk about the case-study and essay questions...
I can't help but to hate POM. How can I like it when it doesn't like me in the 1st place.
Why doesn't anything get into my mind?
One consolation is that this paper is 40%, thank goodness. With 60% of the overall secured with an A, maybe I can afford not to do so well. Hmm, at least a C+ or B for overall? But of course that thought must be hold.
Looking back, I think I'd rather take CSA again...

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