Thursday, September 25, 2008

Banners done by me

Disclaimer: Quotes are taken from Eclipse and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. I have no claim over the pictures except for the 1st where it is stated that the photo belongs to me. The banners are done by me and are not supposed to be re-post without permission. (The least one can do is to credit me)
This is what I've been doing the past few days. It took me ages, by trial and error, to come up with these. They are the best I can do, at least for now. I am quite happy with the way they turn out. I really admired those people who can do animated banners and avatars. In case you are wondering, the interest started when I joined After seeing those beautiful banners and avatars, I wanted one myself but do not want to take others' work, so...

-Banner 1-
-Banner 2-
-Banner 3 (using as avatar)-

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