~Twilight Movie Cast List character names with actors/actresses~
-Bella Swan --Kristen Stewart
-Edward Cullen-- Robert Pattinson
-Jacob Black-- Taylor Lautner
-Charlie Swan-- Billy Burke
-Alice Cullen-- Ashley Greene
-Rosalie Hale-- Nikki Reed
-Jasper Hale-- Jackson Rathbone
-Emmett Cullen--Kellan Lutz
-Carlisle Cullen-- Peter Facinelli
-Esme Cullen-- Elizabeth Reaser
-James-- Cam Gigandet
-Victoria-- Rachelle Lafevre
-Laurent-- Edi Gathegi
-Jessica Stanley-- Anna Kendrick
-Mike Newton-- Michael Welch
-Eric-- Justin Chon
-Angela-- Christian Serratos
-Billy Black-- Gil Birmingham
-Renee-- Sarah Clarke
-Tyler --Gregory Tyree Boyce
-Phil --Matt Bushell
Disclamier: All images are copyright to their original owners and no infringement is intended. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. All images are borrowed from http://bellaandedward.com/gallery/index.php and all credit goes to the various websites for providing them.
Img 1
~Robert Pattinson AKA Edward Cullen~
Seriously speaking, he is not the best candidate out there to play Edward. Then again, NO ONE can play Edward.
One, because he is near perfect physically and two, he’s a fictional character. I can accept (however grudgingly) Pattinson portraying Edward but that doesn’t mean I’ve to like him.
When I first read the series, Edward was there, in my mind, but up till now, he does not seem to take a complete form. I can’t even picture his face. I guess different people have different forms of Edward in their minds.
Therefore, I only hope that Pattinson will not take over the memory of the original Edward. Robert Pattinson is NOT equal to Edward Cullen.
Img 2
~ from left: Kellan Lutz, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner~
Taylor Lautner's actually quite cute. Not the one with long hair, obviously (refer to Img 9)
Not much comment on him now, unless New Moon movie is confirmed. He will be the main character from then on.

~Kristen Steward AKA Bella Swan~
I'm alright with Steward playing Bella Swan. To be true, she is not one of the characters I have issues with. Still remains to be seen if she can live up to her role.
~Ashley Greene AKA Alice Cullen~
I feel that Ashley Greene has the potential of becoming the perfect Alice. Of course, it also remains to be seen if she’s really capable of playing the hyper Alice. Other than her height, Greene’s physical features are quite suitable as Alice.
~from left: Peter Facinelli AKA Carlisle Cullen, Elizabeth Reaser AKA Esme Cullen~
Peter Facinelli actually looks like a vampire. As in, he’s paler than the others in the photos and he’s looking good too. Hopefully enough to play the compassionate Doctor Cullen.

~from left: Jackson Rathbone AKA Jasper Hale, Ashley Greene AKA Alice Cullen~
I don’t like his hairstyle, period.
Jasper is one of favourite characters although he’s not the main lead. He’s the intriguing, ever-loving, quiet member. He'll do anything for Alice.
So, you can guess my disappointment when I saw his almost funny hairstyle. I figured him with a more “disciplined”, neat hairstyle since he was from the Confederate Army.
Comparing him to the Img 6, I don’t know why, but that seems to be the Jasper I’m looking for. Perhaps, minus the smirk.

~from left: Nikki Reed AKA Rosalie Hale, Kellan Lutz AKA Emmett Cullen~
Kellan Lutz as the funny man Emmett will be great to watch. He’s the looks and built about him.
Kellan Lutz as the funny man Emmett will be great to watch. He’s the looks and built about him.
~from top: Taylor Lautner AKA Jacob Black, Gil Birmingham AKA Billy Black~
Not liking his long hair but it's mandatory on Jacob.
~Cullens at the cafeteria~
Looking good as the avenging Victoria.

~from left: Cam Gigandet AKA James, Edi Gathegi AKA Laurent, Rachelle Lafevre AKA Victoria~

~Cullens' house with Edward's Volvo~
I do not really have issues with the other actors/actresses partly due to they are not playing my favourite characters. My favourites so far are Edward, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, Emmett.
I don’t want to mess up the memories and forms of the beloved Twilight characters in my head with the ones that will be portraying them in the movie. Already, there are signs of interweaving between the 2 very different categories. They are no longer exclusive as Twilight fictional characters.
For instance, many, many fans now treat Pattinson as Edward. I’m trying my best here to prevent that from happening to myself.
I do not really have issues with the other actors/actresses partly due to they are not playing my favourite characters. My favourites so far are Edward, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, Emmett.
I don’t want to mess up the memories and forms of the beloved Twilight characters in my head with the ones that will be portraying them in the movie. Already, there are signs of interweaving between the 2 very different categories. They are no longer exclusive as Twilight fictional characters.
For instance, many, many fans now treat Pattinson as Edward. I’m trying my best here to prevent that from happening to myself.
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