Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Moon is official!

This just made my day or should I say, the days to come.

New Moon as a movie is official!!

Hooray!! This time, with a bigger budget and more experience, it's going to be greater than ever. See here: and here
Also, this will mean that Eclipse will most probably get a chance. As long as Eclipse is out, everything is pretty alright to me.
Although Jacob is not one of my top favourite characters, he is still likable. In NM, he will be promoted as the lead character.
I'm looking forward to see the relationship between Bella and Jacob. Not forgetting, the werewolves or better yet, shapeshifters, Quileute tribe, Bella in her zombie-state, Edward in his depressed-state, the disastrous birthday celebration, Volturi: Aro, Caius, Marcus, Edward and Bella back together again, Alice and her stolen yellow Porsche, etc.
NM may not be my favourite book but many of my favourite scenes are in it.
At least, there's something to look forward from 2009 onwards.

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