Thursday, November 13, 2008

Epiphany (take 2)

I've just come to a realisation. Actually, it's it has been there for quite long and I didn't have the chance to write it.

There's a part of me that's fragile. That's why I can never be someone who "give out" to the public, like authors for example.

Taking the case of authors, they are normal human beings, with a dream to share. For them to come forward with their "babies" or dreams and publish them, needs a lot of courage.

Once the book is out, it and the author will have a 99.9% chance of being subjected to what we call "critics" and "criticism". To be truth, many a time, the criticism are not even constructive at all.
Those self-proclaimed "critics" shoot their mouths off without thinking and attack without a base. I've seen some pretty bad comments about some authors (their religions, dressing-style, etc) and their beloved books/novels (garbage, etc).

If you don't like something, then no one is forcing you to like it. But, you don't have attack the author and his/her book. Even worst, don't judge something without even experience it first. I can't understand how some people can "criticise" a book when he/she didn't even touch it.

I have a feeling that these people do that to hurt others and they feel powerful in doing so. These people are self-centered in a way that they don't care about people's feelings. I would love to see their reactions when they themselves or a loved one was in this business.

Let's have an example: Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight saga.

The more publicity the Twilight saga and her receives, the more criticism and attacks they get. Some of which are really baseless. When Breaking Dawn came out this August, there was a rise in criticism because Stephenie Meyer dares to try something new. People don't like the plot and attacked her for it.
Then the movie came, there was a sudden rise in new waves of criticism. Now, people who don't even read Twilight saga or not fans of it, became aware of Twilight. So, you can see where this is going.

Back to what I was saying, I write and brainstorm on what they called "fanfiction". Fanfiction is something that's based on characters from existing books/novels and given new lives with.
However, there's a very low chance of me sharing my "works" with others because for the simple fact that I can't take criticism.
I read fanfiction on a daily basis and some of these budding authors and their fanfiction are really good. They have nice plots and the characters are truly well explored. 'A minor character in a book suddenly become the leading person.' or 'He may be a bully in the book but actually suffers when he's at home'.

So, a job as an author is certainly out for me, unless I can be "stronger" and brush off those "baseless" criticism.

I really feel injustice for them, especially SM. I don't know why, but whenever I read these negative comments, I would be affected somewhat. I think it's because I'm a fan and although my feelings won't changed, my emotions will be affected.

She is a really good author and yet has to be on the receiving end of the bad things. I guess, being an author has its peaks and troughs.
For a best-selling book, you will have glory, earning ten-thousands to millions yet at the same time, you have to toughen your heart and brace yourself against these self-proclaimed "critics".

I respect books and their authors very much. I thanked them for sharing their dreams with the rest of the world.
If all people are like me, then in a few years time, there will be no new books being released and movies will probably be cut by half, since a lot of movies are based on books.

If I don't like a certain genre of novels, I won't read them, but at the same time, I won't criticise the plots.

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