Wednesday, November 05, 2008

US presidential race 2008

Today is the big day, for the world and especially, USA. Obama is now the 44th president of USA.
"Change is coming", he promised. But I do wonder how much can he change.
I don't know who said this but "taxes will be cut" sounds too good to be true. This may make citizens happy but is it really going to work? No country can afford not to have taxpayers.
I have no idea why I'm so interested in this election, most people don't even care since it's not us who are voting. I guess it concerns the world so that's why. It had been quite overwhelming to read about the presidential race and watched it on TV. Things that overwhelm appeals to me, or so I think.
However, I'm hardly keeping track of all the stuff McCain and Obama talked about.
One needs the wits, charisma and dare I say, some white lies to win.
Appealing to normal
citizens seems like the most important thing to do.
Well, as an individual, all I can hope is that the world will be a better place with the new president of USA.
Disclaimer: All the opinions here are mine and mine alone.

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