Sunday, November 30, 2008

The world & 17th quote

Staying at home today. My father went to Philippines and won't be back until Monday.

Speaking of which, what has the world become? I really don't understand.
Actually, I've an epiphany.

To go straight to the point, we are all living on this earth, a planet, who depends on the sun for survival. Let's say, the sun "went out", what's all our "artificial" problems compared to this? Yes, artificial, who create all these unneccessary problems? Us, human beings.

We're all going to die, so why trouble ourselves with all these?
The world will be a better place without all these man-made problems (financial crisis, terrorism, wars, food poisoning, etc). With a little understanding and giving from each other, these don't have to exist at all.
If only our hearts and minds can be not so narrowed plus having a little social responsibility...

My mother said I've seen the light and should probably join some religious group, haha. Now, if only more people can see the light too...

Oh well, I would like to quote someone: "If I can my part, so can you".

17th quote:
“So what you’re saying is, I’m your brand of heroin?”
“Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin.” ~Twilight, Pg 268, paperback

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