Posting this entry because I felt like it.
I don't understand all this feminism stuff going around Twilight. Maybe, it's just a Western thing, or more specifically, a US thing.
Can't anyone enjoy a good, romance and action novel for once? Why drag all these unnecessary stuff into it? Has the author's religion or the character being perceived as anti-feminist got to do with how good a book is? Perhaps it's due to the fact that I'm living in Singapore, where given my background, I have no care for things like that.
Notice how I said novel and book. Twilight do not belong to the 'great literature' column. Despite that, it brings me great pleasure and memories compared to those great literature works. It's fuss-free and entertaining with great plot and complicated and relatable characters.
If Twilight is seen as anti-feminism, aren't countless of romance novels out there the same? All those helpless females, the damsels-in-distress, waiting for their love to rescue them? Aren't they even "worst" than Bella in a way? Why only attacked Twilight? Doesn't the books and author deserves credit?
It's a good series to escape into. Into the world of true love and mythical creatures. That's why it sells and appeals. Who wants to read about angst and hurt when the world is already such a difficult place to live in? That's also why it attracts attention, both positive and negative, like moths to light. No one has ever written such enthralling book series about vampires before. And even that, not one about teenagers or preventing themselves from being monsters.
I don't even read vampires novels before Twilight. After Twilight, I give up on finding vampire novels. The truth is, I will compare it and then it won't be fair to the new book.
Because I don't understand the gist of feminism, I can't make any comments about it. But, it's getting on my nerves once in a while. Just because a female reads about romance and all that doesn't makes her anti-feminist. It's the way one sees herself.
Anyway, I love Twilight saga. One thought, if those people see themselves as feminists, why pick up Twilight in the first place? Sometimes, I don't understand how some people can set double-standards.
If you dislike something, then don't have anything to do with it. Quit criticising and commenting on it too. There are countless of fiction and non-fiction books out there. Pick one that suits you instead of whining how you hate something because the ideas addressed contrast with yours.
Ok, got to quit ranting too. It's good to let it all out, or I'll be not be able to sleep.
To me, it's very simple. It's fiction and I like to escape into the world of Twilight. No big deal should be made out of it. But because it has received so much negative comments lately, I want to stand up for it.
I know what some people are going to say, it's just a book, what's the big deal?
PS: All thoughts and comments here are mine. My stand is clear, I'm with Twilight saga and Stephenie Meyer, but other than that, I tried to be as non-offensive as possible.
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