Second week had ended. Let's do some reflections.
For 3 days, I've been coming back home late and eating late dinners. It was worst than I thought to be. Everyday, I just returned to home, tired and worn-out. But, on the other hand, I've been having later-than-nine o'clock lessons. This means that I can wake up later.
As I said before, my time-table stinks. All those long breaks in between... The only good thing is that Fridays is my off-day. And that today is an off-day too.
It made me realised that Freshman time-tables are the best. The time-tables are catered especially for Freshmen, early classes and early dismissals.
I missed those Freshman days. Really I do. I regretted not giving my best and not enjoying it while it lasts. And I'm not talking about the time-table.
It's weird in my Junior class, 2B03. Like what my friend has said, everybody has their own cliques and own set of friends. Nobody really makes any effort to know each other. It's quite sad and awkward actually.
It makes me even more glad that at least, I have a friend/classmate from my Year 1 class. A familiar face is always welcomed.
The dreaded projects grouping. I should have known that I won't be so lucky every time. It's not that my project group is that bad. Well, it still remains to be seen. I'm feeling kind of apprehensive about it.
I missed my year 1 project team! The dynamics was quite great since the start. It was rather rare, in fact. I can't help but to reminiscence those days.
Another thing, I don't think I like my cross-cultural psychology class very much. I don't want to say much.
However, it makes me cherish the times I get to spend with my friends even more. I get to meet them in lectures, cross-cultural psycho lecture and sometimes, during lunch-time. Ah well, this is the best I can hope for.
Once again, I must say this. I'm not a peoples-person. Sure, I can get on well with familiar friends and people. I'm shy, so people have to make the first move. I have so much to say, but my muse seems to have gone.
Typing all these makes me melancholy. Yes, before I yet regret another year gone by, it's best to start enjoying the moment, right? I'll try.
I'm listening to December Boys by Peter Cincotti. It's a really nice song with meaningful lyrics. A little like how I feel.
Unfortunately, the video on youtube which I like has been taken down. So, I can't provide a link.
I'm thinking about you
And I remember everything, all of us
I look at the ocean
But still I can't see anything,
But all of us
The time of open hearts
The time before the rest of life begins
The learning who we are
What I'd give to be December boys again
But nothing was easy
But I would do it all again, and never change a thing
It's all about choices
But I couldn't watch you walk away
Without following
The lines of broken dreams
The lines dividing strangers from your friends
We live in, you and me
Oh, what I'd give to be December boys again
Oh, in between a man and child,
Homeless horses running wild
Everything on earth was worth a try
It took me by surprise,
I felt so good to be alive
Sooner or later
I'll find the end to everything,
But life goes on
Twisting and turning
forcing us through everyday
Until it's gone
At last I think I know,
The past is where we keep what might have been
But, it's best to let it go
Cause' we'll never be December boys again
We'll never be December boys again
Never be December boys again
Never never be December boys again
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Stupid day
Gods, I know I would regret it! See? I knew it! Grrrr.
I feel like throttling something now...
I have a few choice not-so-nice words to use but I've decided to stick to proper English words to use as substitute.
I will rant and fume all I want and one day, I'll look back to see how immature I was. Now, back to business.
Against my better judgements, I went to this so-call Business Day which I thought was an orientation. I found my year 1 class friend there, apparently we were the only ones from our year 1 class attending.
We "signed in" and I realised that no one from my year 2 class was there. Of course, who is insane enough to attend this event when you can laze around at home? Me, apparently. Less than a quarter of the business students came. I felt so stupid all of a sudden.
I wish Alice is my best friend, she would have seen this coming.
Anyway, one other person from my class came. I wanted to escape, I just wanted to leave. But, once again, my conscience gnawed on my heart and and I stayed on. Besides, they said that once you signed in, you must signed out, or else no SEAL points will be given. Those cheaters...
I figured, since I came, I might as well stayed on to get my SEAL points. "Tricking" us into coming for this event by saying it was compulsory and all that nonsense is a low blow. Yes, I got tricked and was pissed off.
Blah, blah, blah. Then, came the games. I was going to leave in the middle of the games but in the end I didn't do it. Either I was too cowardly to do so or that stupid conscience working its magic. I endured throughout the whole ordeal with the boredom that could compete Marcus' from Volturi.
I can't say that I didn't enjoy some aspects of it.
Who says I can't have a temper? I just don't want to lash it out on people. Zzzz....
At last, the time had come for us to leave. What a relief.
Was that an orientation? NO. Did I regret going? YES. Will I do something like that again? Absolutely NOT. Next time something like that is taking place, I'll be MIA (missing in action.) Maybe, if I like it, my phantom will be there.
Oh joy, the excitement I felt for this day. I really look forward to another one. No way. Sarcasm can dripped like acid.
I won't be that goody-goody again.
Yes, this may be a small matter. But, at that moment of time, I felt cheated. As I said before, one day, I'll be laughing at this post along with some others.
I feel like throttling something now...
I have a few choice not-so-nice words to use but I've decided to stick to proper English words to use as substitute.
I will rant and fume all I want and one day, I'll look back to see how immature I was. Now, back to business.
Against my better judgements, I went to this so-call Business Day which I thought was an orientation. I found my year 1 class friend there, apparently we were the only ones from our year 1 class attending.
We "signed in" and I realised that no one from my year 2 class was there. Of course, who is insane enough to attend this event when you can laze around at home? Me, apparently. Less than a quarter of the business students came. I felt so stupid all of a sudden.
I wish Alice is my best friend, she would have seen this coming.
Anyway, one other person from my class came. I wanted to escape, I just wanted to leave. But, once again, my conscience gnawed on my heart and and I stayed on. Besides, they said that once you signed in, you must signed out, or else no SEAL points will be given. Those cheaters...
I figured, since I came, I might as well stayed on to get my SEAL points. "Tricking" us into coming for this event by saying it was compulsory and all that nonsense is a low blow. Yes, I got tricked and was pissed off.
Blah, blah, blah. Then, came the games. I was going to leave in the middle of the games but in the end I didn't do it. Either I was too cowardly to do so or that stupid conscience working its magic. I endured throughout the whole ordeal with the boredom that could compete Marcus' from Volturi.
I can't say that I didn't enjoy some aspects of it.
Who says I can't have a temper? I just don't want to lash it out on people. Zzzz....
At last, the time had come for us to leave. What a relief.
Was that an orientation? NO. Did I regret going? YES. Will I do something like that again? Absolutely NOT. Next time something like that is taking place, I'll be MIA (missing in action.) Maybe, if I like it, my phantom will be there.
Oh joy, the excitement I felt for this day. I really look forward to another one. No way. Sarcasm can dripped like acid.
I won't be that goody-goody again.
Yes, this may be a small matter. But, at that moment of time, I felt cheated. As I said before, one day, I'll be laughing at this post along with some others.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
School pains and dilemma (Part 2)
Apparently, I've made up my mind. Due to some untold reasons, I've decided to go, albeit how reluctant I am.
This time tomorrow, I'll be ranting away about what happen and what should have happened.
One of the reason I'm going is because I think it will be an orientation. If I thought wrong, well, I can jolly blame myself.
Stopping here. I'll be updating on various important news about the twilight saga movie world tomorrow.
This time tomorrow, I'll be ranting away about what happen and what should have happened.
One of the reason I'm going is because I think it will be an orientation. If I thought wrong, well, I can jolly blame myself.
Stopping here. I'll be updating on various important news about the twilight saga movie world tomorrow.
School pains and dilemma
I made a stupid blunder yesterday.
I kept thinking that I have a lecture at 2-4pm, when in actual fact, it starts at 1pm. As you can imagine, I reached school by 1.45pm and found it weird that no one was waiting outside. I messaged my friend and finally knew that I had made a mistake. Gahh! That was the stupidest mistake ever! I'm feeling so embarrassed. In the end, I just went home.
On Tuesday, I had a briefing on the transnational studies I'll doing in June. I sure hope I made the right decision. It actually sounds like a nice experience to have, living in the school hostel with the rest of transnational studies students.
I'm an OK person to live with. I love my privacy a lot. I won't antagonise people, of course.
Well, I met my new classmates for this semester on Tuesday. Can't say much, I just wish for everything to go smoothly, especially for the projects. I hate those free-loaders. I'm really glad that I have a friend in the same class as I do. It makes things easier. I'm also very happy to note that I share the same lectures with my other friends. At least, we can see and talk to each other.
Tomorrow is an off day for me. And while I am cheering away, I got this most dreadful news. There is a business day programme going on tomorrow afternoon. The worst being, it's compulsory and attendance will be taken.
I find it stupid anyway. Since it's going to be a joyful event, why should they go to such extremes and force people to go?
I don't feel like going! Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people who can make a decision and stick with it. I'm constantly in a dilemma. It makes me depressed and gives me headaches. For once, I wish I can stop being a goody-two shoes.
I envy those people who don't care about the consequences and live for the moment. That being said, I won't skip my tutorials or lectures. It's just that sometimes, I want to be happy for a change.
Most of the time, I ended up doing the right thing and regretted it. How many times have pass that they "cheated" us and we ended up regretting going?
My heart says "No", but my brain says "Yes". Or is it the other way round? I don't want to go, but duty calls and I hate my sense of righteousness.
If only it's not compulsory... Which I think most people won't attend. Why attend such a thing when one can do more productive stuff and go home early on a Friday?
What should I do? I don't think it will really affect me in any way. After all, this is an event, not a tutorial class or even a lecture. So, what if I don't go and should someone ask, I'll just say I'm ill? Or what if I just say I've already plan my own programmes? I won't go around accommodating time-slots into what I've already planned.
There won't a need for MC anyway, unless they demand it, which I doubt. Come on, it's my off day, I'm so looking forward to it and now, it's dashed.
It's hurting me!
Should I or shouldn't I? That's is the question.
I kept thinking that I have a lecture at 2-4pm, when in actual fact, it starts at 1pm. As you can imagine, I reached school by 1.45pm and found it weird that no one was waiting outside. I messaged my friend and finally knew that I had made a mistake. Gahh! That was the stupidest mistake ever! I'm feeling so embarrassed. In the end, I just went home.
On Tuesday, I had a briefing on the transnational studies I'll doing in June. I sure hope I made the right decision. It actually sounds like a nice experience to have, living in the school hostel with the rest of transnational studies students.
I'm an OK person to live with. I love my privacy a lot. I won't antagonise people, of course.
Well, I met my new classmates for this semester on Tuesday. Can't say much, I just wish for everything to go smoothly, especially for the projects. I hate those free-loaders. I'm really glad that I have a friend in the same class as I do. It makes things easier. I'm also very happy to note that I share the same lectures with my other friends. At least, we can see and talk to each other.
Tomorrow is an off day for me. And while I am cheering away, I got this most dreadful news. There is a business day programme going on tomorrow afternoon. The worst being, it's compulsory and attendance will be taken.
I find it stupid anyway. Since it's going to be a joyful event, why should they go to such extremes and force people to go?
I don't feel like going! Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people who can make a decision and stick with it. I'm constantly in a dilemma. It makes me depressed and gives me headaches. For once, I wish I can stop being a goody-two shoes.
I envy those people who don't care about the consequences and live for the moment. That being said, I won't skip my tutorials or lectures. It's just that sometimes, I want to be happy for a change.
Most of the time, I ended up doing the right thing and regretted it. How many times have pass that they "cheated" us and we ended up regretting going?
My heart says "No", but my brain says "Yes". Or is it the other way round? I don't want to go, but duty calls and I hate my sense of righteousness.
If only it's not compulsory... Which I think most people won't attend. Why attend such a thing when one can do more productive stuff and go home early on a Friday?
What should I do? I don't think it will really affect me in any way. After all, this is an event, not a tutorial class or even a lecture. So, what if I don't go and should someone ask, I'll just say I'm ill? Or what if I just say I've already plan my own programmes? I won't go around accommodating time-slots into what I've already planned.
There won't a need for MC anyway, unless they demand it, which I doubt. Come on, it's my off day, I'm so looking forward to it and now, it's dashed.
It's hurting me!
Should I or shouldn't I? That's is the question.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Many things to update.
First of all, school term started yesterday. The only good thing about it was that my friends/year 1 group members are taking cross-cultural psychology too. The 5 of us can meet up once a week for that one hour of lecture.
Today is the second day of school and already I'm lethargic. I'm feeling sleeping now. Luckily, I'm off on Friday.
I'm worried about the transnational studies programme. I really don't know where to meet and the time it will end.
Next, my English is getting rusty, especially the grammar. I pride myself in my English most of the times, well, not exactly pride, but still... I need to brush up my grammar, it irks me when I'm not sure how a certain sentence should be.
I've mastered the song "Who'll stop the rain" in a few days. It's a really nice song with great lyrics.
I'm shedding now, like a snake, oh gods. First my face, then my arm. Ahhh...
Well, I guess this ends here, for now. I can't remember what else that I want to update.
First of all, school term started yesterday. The only good thing about it was that my friends/year 1 group members are taking cross-cultural psychology too. The 5 of us can meet up once a week for that one hour of lecture.
Today is the second day of school and already I'm lethargic. I'm feeling sleeping now. Luckily, I'm off on Friday.
I'm worried about the transnational studies programme. I really don't know where to meet and the time it will end.
Next, my English is getting rusty, especially the grammar. I pride myself in my English most of the times, well, not exactly pride, but still... I need to brush up my grammar, it irks me when I'm not sure how a certain sentence should be.
I've mastered the song "Who'll stop the rain" in a few days. It's a really nice song with great lyrics.
I'm shedding now, like a snake, oh gods. First my face, then my arm. Ahhh...
Well, I guess this ends here, for now. I can't remember what else that I want to update.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My favourite song: Who'll stop the rain
My favourite song as of now. Originally sung by Creedence Clearwater Revival. It was featured in December Boys.
Long as I remember,
The rain been coming down.
Clouds of myst'ry pouring,
Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages,
Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder,
Who'll stop the rain.
I went down Virginia,
Seeking shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable,
I watched the tower grow.
Five year plans and new deals,
Wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, Still I wonder
Who'll stop the rain.
Heard the singers playing,
How we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together,
Trying to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pouring,
Falling on my ears.
And I wonder, Still I wonder
Who'll stop the rain.
Sentosa outing
Went to Sentosa with Secondary 4 classmates on Friday. In the end, only 3 girls and 6 guys went. A little pathetic, maybe.
My friend and I went there via bus 855, wow, it was a long journey to Harbour Front Interchange.
Boarded the bus en route to Sentosa. I was thinking, there should not be so many people there since school term has already started except for Poly. Still, there were quite a lot of people, playing volleyball.
The sun was especially hot that day. I didn't play volleyball but sat in the shade. I was still sun-burnt quite badly. In actual fact, I put my legs and hands out in the sun to sun-tan for a while. Who knows that I got burnt? The guys had it even worse.
Washed up at about 5-6pm and went to VivoCity to eat dinner. Ate at Carl's Jr for the first time. The burger was huge, although I just bought the normal one. I didn't finished it. The fries are quite nice though.
Walked around and went home afterwards.
My skin remains red and the awful tan-lines is getting on my nerves. Luckily, I don't wear too short shorts and T-shirts. What is bad was, only my right leg and arm are very red. My neck and ear also had it bad.
I was telling my father to go to Sentosa so that I could even it out, by tanning my left leg and arm.
Yes, I don't feel like typing hence the short update, there's no inspiration for me to write. I hope things will be fine again. I'll post up the photos soon.
Tomorrow is the start of school, going to school at around 5pm just to have a stupid lecture.
My friend and I went there via bus 855, wow, it was a long journey to Harbour Front Interchange.
Boarded the bus en route to Sentosa. I was thinking, there should not be so many people there since school term has already started except for Poly. Still, there were quite a lot of people, playing volleyball.
The sun was especially hot that day. I didn't play volleyball but sat in the shade. I was still sun-burnt quite badly. In actual fact, I put my legs and hands out in the sun to sun-tan for a while. Who knows that I got burnt? The guys had it even worse.
Washed up at about 5-6pm and went to VivoCity to eat dinner. Ate at Carl's Jr for the first time. The burger was huge, although I just bought the normal one. I didn't finished it. The fries are quite nice though.
Walked around and went home afterwards.
My skin remains red and the awful tan-lines is getting on my nerves. Luckily, I don't wear too short shorts and T-shirts. What is bad was, only my right leg and arm are very red. My neck and ear also had it bad.
I was telling my father to go to Sentosa so that I could even it out, by tanning my left leg and arm.
Yes, I don't feel like typing hence the short update, there's no inspiration for me to write. I hope things will be fine again. I'll post up the photos soon.
Tomorrow is the start of school, going to school at around 5pm just to have a stupid lecture.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My own countdown clock & time-table for Year 2
Finally, after hours of trial and error and editing, my New Moon Countdown clock (S'pore) is out!
I had so much trouble finding a free website that allow me to upload my own pictures in addition to a countdown clock. At last, I managed to do it! I went from photobucket (editing the necessary photo) and going to springwidget to upload it and slowly adjust the timer in.
This is my greatest achievement yet! I'm suffering from back aches though. Too much time spent online.
On another note, I got my new time-table today. I'm in the class 2B03. I sure hope that there are people from my year 1 class in the same class as I am.
The time-table is weird and I'm starting to regret the trans-national studies. Yes, I only have to study like 5 weeks but the tutorials will be very long. Oh gods.
I hope everything will turn out fine.
Finally, after hours of trial and error and editing, my New Moon Countdown clock (S'pore) is out!
I had so much trouble finding a free website that allow me to upload my own pictures in addition to a countdown clock. At last, I managed to do it! I went from photobucket (editing the necessary photo) and going to springwidget to upload it and slowly adjust the timer in.
This is my greatest achievement yet! I'm suffering from back aches though. Too much time spent online.
On another note, I got my new time-table today. I'm in the class 2B03. I sure hope that there are people from my year 1 class in the same class as I am.
The time-table is weird and I'm starting to regret the trans-national studies. Yes, I only have to study like 5 weeks but the tutorials will be very long. Oh gods.
I hope everything will turn out fine.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Went out the whole of today.
My mother went for colonoscopy - an examination of the large colon at Mount Elizabeth hospital.
It took up such a long time. First we waited for registration and then went to the ward to rest. Anyway, the whole procedure wasn't that long, 1 hour to perform the surgery, another hour to rest and for the sedation to wear off.
The waiting to go into the theater part was the longest.
My father and I went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for some drinks and snacks at about 12+pm.
After my mother was discharged, we went to Paragon for lunch. I bought new shoes for the new school-term. The shoes are from ViVie. Once again, the pair of shoes I wanted was not available. So I had to settle for second best.
We had lunch at DeliFrance. I ate plain baguette and shared iced tea with my father. Plain baguette is the nicest bread.
Went home after that. I'm starting to have withdrawals because I didn't go to the Lex for the whole day.
The car pack fee were really jaw-dropping. Almost $20!
My mother went for colonoscopy - an examination of the large colon at Mount Elizabeth hospital.
It took up such a long time. First we waited for registration and then went to the ward to rest. Anyway, the whole procedure wasn't that long, 1 hour to perform the surgery, another hour to rest and for the sedation to wear off.
The waiting to go into the theater part was the longest.
My father and I went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for some drinks and snacks at about 12+pm.
After my mother was discharged, we went to Paragon for lunch. I bought new shoes for the new school-term. The shoes are from ViVie. Once again, the pair of shoes I wanted was not available. So I had to settle for second best.
We had lunch at DeliFrance. I ate plain baguette and shared iced tea with my father. Plain baguette is the nicest bread.
Went home after that. I'm starting to have withdrawals because I didn't go to the Lex for the whole day.
The car pack fee were really jaw-dropping. Almost $20!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Righteousness and worn out
School is starting soon. Arrgg!
I can't believe it, time really flies when you are having fun. I'm feeling lethargic lately, and don't feel like blogging. I don't feel like doing anything.
Even posting on the Lex seems to lose its novelty. Why is it so? My aim is to have 1500 posts in my alias when the holidays end. I'm on track so far, 1431 posts. I'm "completely dazzled!", but I love the rank "lusting for blood" more.
I guess by the time my school term starts, I'll have to cut down on Lex time by a lot, since I'm on a completely different time zone. I won't even have people playing with me anymore. Sighs. No more thinking up the weirdest answers to the Wrong answer thread, or making fun of the Cullens in the Post-Its thread. I really have fun on these threads. Sarcasm and dry-wit is what I'm trying to achieve.
I feel like I'm suffering from a burn-out. I've been posting and laughing like crazy on some 'good' days, where I'm posting on 3 different threads at the same time. It's like coming down from an adrenaline rush.
Nothing excites me anymore! I don't care much about who is cast as which character in the upcoming New Moon movie. It's not my place to say anything after all. I don't care how big New Moon is going to be. I try to be thrilled but it's just not working.
I was so worked up for Twilight the movie and now, the consequences is, I don't care about how things are going. OK, I'm kidding myself if I say I don't care at all, but the euphoria is no longer there.
Another thing, I'm getting too affected by matters that happen in the virtual world. Recently, there was the invasion of trolls in the threads of the Lex, more specifically, the Cullenism thread. Some of these people came preaching about how Cullenism, a fictional religion, is not showing respect to some other real-life religions.
I mean, come on, fans create this for FUN. If someone is offended, then don't come on the thread and you won't see it. The best way to get rid of trolls is to ignore them. It's certainly not wise to rise up to the bait.
Some people are really weird up in the head. Why remains so uptight? Most people take it as a joke, but if someone really practice Cullenism, it's his/her choice. You can't go around dictating how others should behave.
And don't go around saying you have the right to speak what you want. Yes, you can do that, but this is a private website that supports twilight saga. Don't come in here saying how twilight stinks or anything. Go create your own website if you want.
Gah! I'm so worked up over this and for what? So righteous...
Finally, I'm trying to become someone else in the virtual world. I'm not having much luck so far. There are times I'm breaking out of the shell, but others, I'm still myself.
The virtual world is where I want to be different. I want to be unafraid of people's opinions. But I can't. It hurts when people commented on what your alias is doing. Not that people are hostile and mean, I'm thinking it's I who is hostile. Or at least, not partaking in the activities. Besides, most of them are "friends" with each other. And I feel kind of "out'.
I'll try my best to rid myself of unnecessary burdens. It's bringing me down. I shall enjoy the time while it lasts.
I can't believe it, time really flies when you are having fun. I'm feeling lethargic lately, and don't feel like blogging. I don't feel like doing anything.
Even posting on the Lex seems to lose its novelty. Why is it so? My aim is to have 1500 posts in my alias when the holidays end. I'm on track so far, 1431 posts. I'm "completely dazzled!", but I love the rank "lusting for blood" more.
I guess by the time my school term starts, I'll have to cut down on Lex time by a lot, since I'm on a completely different time zone. I won't even have people playing with me anymore. Sighs. No more thinking up the weirdest answers to the Wrong answer thread, or making fun of the Cullens in the Post-Its thread. I really have fun on these threads. Sarcasm and dry-wit is what I'm trying to achieve.
I feel like I'm suffering from a burn-out. I've been posting and laughing like crazy on some 'good' days, where I'm posting on 3 different threads at the same time. It's like coming down from an adrenaline rush.
Nothing excites me anymore! I don't care much about who is cast as which character in the upcoming New Moon movie. It's not my place to say anything after all. I don't care how big New Moon is going to be. I try to be thrilled but it's just not working.
I was so worked up for Twilight the movie and now, the consequences is, I don't care about how things are going. OK, I'm kidding myself if I say I don't care at all, but the euphoria is no longer there.
Another thing, I'm getting too affected by matters that happen in the virtual world. Recently, there was the invasion of trolls in the threads of the Lex, more specifically, the Cullenism thread. Some of these people came preaching about how Cullenism, a fictional religion, is not showing respect to some other real-life religions.
I mean, come on, fans create this for FUN. If someone is offended, then don't come on the thread and you won't see it. The best way to get rid of trolls is to ignore them. It's certainly not wise to rise up to the bait.
Some people are really weird up in the head. Why remains so uptight? Most people take it as a joke, but if someone really practice Cullenism, it's his/her choice. You can't go around dictating how others should behave.
And don't go around saying you have the right to speak what you want. Yes, you can do that, but this is a private website that supports twilight saga. Don't come in here saying how twilight stinks or anything. Go create your own website if you want.
Gah! I'm so worked up over this and for what? So righteous...
Finally, I'm trying to become someone else in the virtual world. I'm not having much luck so far. There are times I'm breaking out of the shell, but others, I'm still myself.
The virtual world is where I want to be different. I want to be unafraid of people's opinions. But I can't. It hurts when people commented on what your alias is doing. Not that people are hostile and mean, I'm thinking it's I who is hostile. Or at least, not partaking in the activities. Besides, most of them are "friends" with each other. And I feel kind of "out'.
I'll try my best to rid myself of unnecessary burdens. It's bringing me down. I shall enjoy the time while it lasts.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Jurong Point
Went to Jurong Point yesterday afternoon to get some beads and beading wire. It's a long journey, no wonder I don't like to go out.
The problem is, there isn't any shops selling beading materials near my place. This is the first time I went out ever since my holiday started. A little pathetic, maybe.
I'm so going to get a car as soon as I get my license and have the means to buy one. I may need to wait till I'm financially secured though. My dream car is a BMW/Audi/Volvo, in that order.
I think I will start making the bracelet tomorrow.
The problem is, there isn't any shops selling beading materials near my place. This is the first time I went out ever since my holiday started. A little pathetic, maybe.
I'm so going to get a car as soon as I get my license and have the means to buy one. I may need to wait till I'm financially secured though. My dream car is a BMW/Audi/Volvo, in that order.
I think I will start making the bracelet tomorrow.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Another post for the miscellaneous stuff.
First of all, I wanted to scream! What happen to Fanfiction website!? I need my fix, now!
God, I sure hope it's not my problem, whatever that may be. I don't mind that much if they have maintenance problems or what. Just give me back my Fanfiction by tomorrow morning and everything will be fine.
As of now, thank goodness, Fanfiction is back on. Yay!
I've read many novels so far. I'll probably spend some time reviewing some of the novels these few days. For don't what reason, I don't feel like typing much.
I'm getting depressed. Maybe it's due to the fact that school is reopening soon. Yes, it's immature of me to demand a longer holiday. If the holiday is any longer still, I'll become a worm.
I'm aiming for a total of 1500 posts in the Lex by the time I go back to school. It's not that hard to achieve that, as long as there are people who will play in the 2 threads I frequent.
There is painting work going on in the housing estates. Gone are the sunny red, orange and yellow paint, here comes dreary green and more green. I've seen the sample of the end result, it's really different. It's this mix of greenish-blue and green design.
Oh yes, my cousin finally gave the disc containing the photos of her wedding, with me as her bridesmaid. Some of the pictures are rather flattening, if I must say so myself.
Last but not least, I made some New Moon-inspired banner and avatar today. It's quite different from my usual banners. I'll post them up on Facebook as soon as I edited them and perhaps on here too.
That's all for now.
First of all, I wanted to scream! What happen to Fanfiction website!? I need my fix, now!
God, I sure hope it's not my problem, whatever that may be. I don't mind that much if they have maintenance problems or what. Just give me back my Fanfiction by tomorrow morning and everything will be fine.
As of now, thank goodness, Fanfiction is back on. Yay!
I've read many novels so far. I'll probably spend some time reviewing some of the novels these few days. For don't what reason, I don't feel like typing much.
I'm getting depressed. Maybe it's due to the fact that school is reopening soon. Yes, it's immature of me to demand a longer holiday. If the holiday is any longer still, I'll become a worm.
I'm aiming for a total of 1500 posts in the Lex by the time I go back to school. It's not that hard to achieve that, as long as there are people who will play in the 2 threads I frequent.
There is painting work going on in the housing estates. Gone are the sunny red, orange and yellow paint, here comes dreary green and more green. I've seen the sample of the end result, it's really different. It's this mix of greenish-blue and green design.
Oh yes, my cousin finally gave the disc containing the photos of her wedding, with me as her bridesmaid. Some of the pictures are rather flattening, if I must say so myself.
Last but not least, I made some New Moon-inspired banner and avatar today. It's quite different from my usual banners. I'll post them up on Facebook as soon as I edited them and perhaps on here too.
That's all for now.
New Moon,
twilight lexicon
It's been quite long since I last updated. I've time, but I don't feel like writing or typing for that matter.
Went to Isetan at Shaw Centre. I wanted to get a bag for the new school term.
Just as we were finding a parking lot, we past by a yellow Porsche! I saw the emblem of Porsche on the car hood. I told my brothers about it and later, we went there to take a look. It's yellow, it's sporty, too bad it's a Carrera and not Turbo 911.
My brother took pictures of it, although he should have zoom in on the emblem. Ahh well, I should take some pictures myself too, but didn't.
We ate at Sakae Sushi at Wheelock Place. It's been quite a while since I last ate at Sakae Sushi.
Walked back to Isetan and visited the supermarket. All those different kinds of Japanese food and products makes me excited. I saw the $90 melons. Wow, imagine I were to buy one, my mother said the peel and seeds should be eaten too.
We bought some of the cracker beans and Shishamo. I love Shishamo, but it's expensive to eat it in Japanese resturants. It's quite cheap if you buy it in supermarkets though.
I just released that Isetan at Orchard Road is different from the Isetan in Tampines Mall. For one, there isn't much choices on 'normal' bags. Almost all bags and shoes sold there are branded goods.
Anyway, I bought a Reebok Bag. Why is it that whenever I want something, it will be the last piece or not available anymore? That bag is the last piece but since it's OK, I just bought it.
Had drinks at McCafe outside Isetan. It's quite the lovely place, like we are tourists.
Went to Isetan at Shaw Centre. I wanted to get a bag for the new school term.
Just as we were finding a parking lot, we past by a yellow Porsche! I saw the emblem of Porsche on the car hood. I told my brothers about it and later, we went there to take a look. It's yellow, it's sporty, too bad it's a Carrera and not Turbo 911.
My brother took pictures of it, although he should have zoom in on the emblem. Ahh well, I should take some pictures myself too, but didn't.
We ate at Sakae Sushi at Wheelock Place. It's been quite a while since I last ate at Sakae Sushi.
Walked back to Isetan and visited the supermarket. All those different kinds of Japanese food and products makes me excited. I saw the $90 melons. Wow, imagine I were to buy one, my mother said the peel and seeds should be eaten too.
We bought some of the cracker beans and Shishamo. I love Shishamo, but it's expensive to eat it in Japanese resturants. It's quite cheap if you buy it in supermarkets though.
I just released that Isetan at Orchard Road is different from the Isetan in Tampines Mall. For one, there isn't much choices on 'normal' bags. Almost all bags and shoes sold there are branded goods.
Anyway, I bought a Reebok Bag. Why is it that whenever I want something, it will be the last piece or not available anymore? That bag is the last piece but since it's OK, I just bought it.
Had drinks at McCafe outside Isetan. It's quite the lovely place, like we are tourists.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Happy April's Fool Day!¤t=TheTwi-GuyAprilFools2009.flv
OK, seriously, this is one of the best April's Fool jokes! And not the evil kind where a worm will take over the world.
Twilight Lexicon has become LexiKalebCon overnight, at least in USA timing.
Twilight Lexicon has become LexiKalebCon overnight, at least in USA timing.
I was just refreshing the message boards when all of a sudden the normal threads disappeared and became all about Kaleb Nation.
Kaleb Nation is the original Twi-guy. He's a guy who read Twilight for research and does commentary for each chapter of the books. I'm not exactly a fan of his, but he's very witty.
The above video is dedicated to him from the creators of Twilight Lexicon. It's a great tribute and the song is really catchy and hilarious. Soon I'll be singing along.
And like all April's Fool jokes, people got tricked. They ranted and raved about "how twilight lexicon should just go back to normal and enough already of Kaleb Nation". It really makes me laugh.
True, the time difference gets on people's nerves, like mine and some others. April 1st is almost over in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.
Well, it's a nice joke, surprisingly, I didn't get tricked. Maybe, I'm really aware that today is April's Fool Day, I just had a little shock over the disappearance of the threads before knowing that Twilight Lexicon is getting into the spirits of April's Fool.
Last year, humans of Forks "took over" the Lexicon. The year before, the Volturi was there.
I was aware of the humans taking over the Lexicon, a pity that I didn't know about the Volturi.
It's been great!
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