Thursday, April 16, 2009

My own countdown clock & time-table for Year 2


Finally, after hours of trial and error and editing, my New Moon Countdown clock (S'pore) is out!

I had so much trouble finding a free website that allow me to upload my own pictures in addition to a countdown clock. At last, I managed to do it! I went from photobucket (editing the necessary photo) and going to springwidget to upload it and slowly adjust the timer in.

This is my greatest achievement yet! I'm suffering from back aches though. Too much time spent online.

On another note, I got my new time-table today. I'm in the class 2B03. I sure hope that there are people from my year 1 class in the same class as I am.

The time-table is weird and I'm starting to regret the trans-national studies. Yes, I only have to study like 5 weeks but the tutorials will be very long. Oh gods.

I hope everything will turn out fine.

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