Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Photos from my birthday and Mothers' Day 2009

~My Brithday Presents~
Wolfy-dog: A "derogatory" term for by "Edward" in reference to "Jacob".
It's just a private joke.

Mug-shot of wolfy-dog.
Ain't it cute? A wolf dressed in sheep's clothing

My Swatch watch!
It's called Sepaflor and it's from the Spring/Summer Collection 2009.
It's love at first sight!
My Birthday cake from Four Leaves

The whole family, with me in the "special" seat for the customary birthday photo

My cousin's pet, Lucky, sniffing my hair

A nice photo together with cousins & brothers

On the swing in a Coffee house
Finally, I've decided to update the photos taken for Mothers' Day and my birthday 2009. Yes, it's been long.
I've planned to put more than these but due to the time constraints, this is the best I can come up with. Time constraints is equal to me being lazy as high definition photos take a long time to load and if I load them on photobucket first, it will still take a long time.
So, that being said, this is just the start. I promise to upload more miscellaneous photos soon, maybe by this week.
Till then~

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