Sunday, November 01, 2009


Second week of school's out and it's getting worst. All groups have been finalised and now it's time to start on individual and group projects.

Seriously, this new semester is one big, giant headache.

I don't like my World Issues class. The teacher has an accent so strong that half the time, I don't understand what he's talking. This is made worse by I'm all alone there.

Furthermore, World Issues always make me feel inadequate. I've always thought that I'm quite in touch with the world, however, it hardly seems that way. OK, I do know many things in vague, just not in detail.

There is no way I can know everything in the world, I'm not a walking BBC station or whatever. And in what free time I have, I'd rather spend it on what I like, than to do what is good for me.

I dislike things that cause much overwhelming. If I want to learn something, I'd rather do it during holidays to prevent myself from bursting an artery. I have my hands and feet tied by school, the last thing I need is to overwhelm myself unnecessary.

Right, got to stop here now.

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