Wednesday, December 30, 2009
No moniker for this decade
Read a very interesting article today about how the decade slips away with no name.
So, we have the 80s and the 90s, what do we call this decade? Some suggestions: The Twenty-hundreds, the Ohs-Ohs, the Ohs, the Zeros, the Big Zero, the Aughties...
It's pretty entertaining, to say.
In the perspective of economists, this decade is a Big Zero. Nothing really good happens, what with the financial crisis and all the unemployment rates going up. So, according to one economist, good riddance to this decade and let's hope that 2010 will be a better year.
Tomorrow, there will be New Year celebrations for us! Movie followed by bowling in the evening and then hopefully fireworks when the clock strikes twelve.
I'm still in that holiday mood despite the start of school. Seriously, this is all screwed up. Going to school for 2 hours or 30 minutes is not as crack up as it should be.
I'll doing my New Year's resolution either tomorrow or the day after. I want a change. I'll be summing up this year with an entry too. All the good and bad and the everything in between.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas celebrations 2009
Christmas 2009 was wonderful, even though it's been quite some time since we celebrated it in town. At least for the past 2 years, Christmas was celebrated at Bintan.
On Christmas's Eve, I went out with my Sec 4 friends to watch a movie before I left for my cousin's house for the party.
Was originally supposed to watch Avatar but when we reached Causeway Point, the queueing was nightmarish. We spent close to 45 minutes just to buy the tickets. In the end, due to time constraints, we changed our mind to Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, however, the tickets were sold out. At last, we went for Sherlock Holmes.
It's a movie I want to watch since I saw the trailer. I'm not a Sherlock Holmes fan to begin with. I didn't read the book series and I didn't watch the other Sherlock Holmes films.
But, the whole 128 minutes of film is quite good. It has its hilarious moments and I like the dialogue. Not to mention, Jude Law who portrayed Watson is so charismatic and good-looking.
This is a film I'm definitely going to catch again if I had the chance and get it on DVD. I am heavily dependent on those English subtitles.
After the movie, we parted ways and I left for Jurong East.
Watched some more movies and it's time for the Christmas party to begin. The Christmas tree was alighted with fairy lights, presents aplenty underneath, Christmas carols played on the radio, the table weighed down with food...
After the feast, it was time to hand out presents. Unfortunately, something unexpected happened. Was it my fault or? I received 2 presents from 2 of my cousins and my brother got none. Which means that during the drawing of names a few weeks ago, I should have accidentally wrote my name 2 times. Gods, was that embarrassing!
Anyway, this year, there are more presents handed out to my cousin's family because one of my cousins is in NS.
Went home around 9pm plus. It was decided that since my parents will be going to a relative's wedding reception with my grandparents, my uncle will fetch us and took us to watch Avatar this next morning with the other family members.
Prepared ourselves on Christmas morning waiting for my uncle's phonecall. Went to Marina Square in the morning to watch Avatar 3D at a 10.30am slot. This is like my first time watching a movie in 3D. The theater was almost full.

The whole movie is awesome! OMG, the graphics, the cinematography, the background. Wow, and the whole thing was created by the director, James Cameron.
My cousin and I laughed at some of scenes and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. I can see why this movie will move up on the charts quickly in the States, probably overtaking the currently 4th place New Moon and the top 3 highest grossing movies of 2009.
Ahh well, while I don't like that some movie overtake New Moon, where New Moon end up on the charts will still be very rewarding.
We went for lunch at BurgerKing while the adults ate at the FoodCourt.
Went to Singtel headquarters as my cousin wanted a new phone. Spent around 1 hour there but in the end, the newly acquired phone was returned due to the colouring.
Went to Centrepoint at Orchard to meet with my parents and grandparents and a cuppa at TCC. The sky was dark and raindrops falling. If you closed your eyes, you can imagine that snow is falling instead.
Walked over to 313 @ Somerset afterwards. Wow, the Christmas season really brought out lots and lots of people. Loitered for quite a while outside 313, voting on where to go next. The younger generation wanted to go for another movie, Sherlock Holmes, while the adults had not make up their minds.
Alas, at such a timing, evening and on Christmas Day to boot, no theater can escape. The slots were almost full with only the front seats left.
In the end, we decided to have dinner at Sizzler at Suntec City. It's been ages since I've last ate at Sizzler. I can still remember the good, old days where my parents and I used to eat at Sizzler at Junction 8 many times.
I, personally, don't think it's that worth it to eat there anymore. Maybe, it's inflation over the years, or that I don't know the prices in the past, but it's really expensive to eat there.
Home sweet home when all is said and done.
Christmas 2009 had been a wonderful time, the essence of Christmas, minus the religious stuff, is truly incorporated in our family gathering. Isn't the Christmas spirit all about family closeness and warmth?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Twas the night before Christmas
Woohoo! It's been like years since we celebrated Christmas in town.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
21st century Christmas
One of my favourite songs of all times, 21st Century Christmas by Cliff Richard
Feeling rather Christmas-y today!
Listening to Christmas songs all day long~
With 1 day left before Christmas' Eve, there's so much to do! Be in academic-wise or festive season-wise.
I'm thinking of borrowing some movies to watch through Christmas' Eve. While I had my share of goodies prior a month ago, I can't help but to want to have more. Chocolates to be savour, nuts to crack, presents to open, cheers to be made...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A white Christmas, for me?
It's wishful thinking, obviously. Unless, I travel out of the equator and into the upper part of the Northern Hemisphere. It's not deliberate, I know that the Europeans and Americans are suffering in their dreadful weather conditions. Too much of snow result in disruptions and chaos.
From London to Paris to Russia to some states in US, the wintery weather is taking to an extreme. Wow, not to be a sadist, but I do love some snow. Well, as a tourist. I doubt I can spent all my life experiencing it over and over again.
Ahh well, this year, I'll have to be content to spend Christmas in Singapore.
Nevertheless, the spontaneous trip to wintery Sydney was so worth it. I had my share of coolness and rain to last through the year. It's really a memory to remember, a trip that was put together so fast, decided today, flying off the next. Sweet, sweet surprise~
I'm placing my hopes in my near future, that I could enjoy myself with trips to winter wonderlands, beautiful summers, breezy springs, and scent-heavy autumns.
Cheers to this festive season. May it be as lovely and beautiful as every other Christmases to come.
Where the treetops glisten, and children listen to hear sleighbells in the snow~
I just love good, ole Christmas songs. Nothing too modern nor too "choir-y". Just traditional songs sung by the few crooners who make your heart beats faster.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Rockin around the shopping centres
On the next day after my last paper, 10th December, my father was going to take us to the newly opened 313 @ Somerset.
My brother and I were to take the MRT and meet my father there.
Was I because I was ill the couple of days before or due to some dire problems I have no idea of or hypoglycemia? Suddenly, in the middle of the ride, I started to break out in cold sweat and then for a while my vision turned black, I could hardly see my brother's face and the other things in the MRT. I was sure that my face must have turned ashen. I was really afraid I'm going to faint in the train, and not only was that embarrassing, but horrible.
In the end, with my brother in tow, I alighted at Orchard MRT station, one station before Somerset and went in search of toilet as I felt like puking. Went to Wheelock Place, a similar place to me and was starting to feel fine. However, I didn't want to risk another encounter like that ever so I wanted to go home. By then, my father still haven't arrive.
Finally, I wanted to get some sugar into me and was thinking of nursing a glass of cold, sugary drink. My better judgement got hold of me so I ordered a cup of hot chocolate instead. I was still feeling weak and mortified.
Walked around Borders for a while because my father said he would be there in half-an-hour. I was already alright and we had lunch at Sakae Sushi. Next, we went to our destination as planned.
313 @ Somerset wasn't officially opened since there are so many shops still under closed doors. But, I still had fun. Tried out the Cold Rock creamery, it is good. I was planning to buy my Christmas present at Esprit but the bag I wanted was out of stock.
We then went to Marina Square to try our luck. The bag I originally wanted didn't look so nice after a second glance. So, I bought another model.
As the car was parked at Suntec City, we walked around Suntec City for a bit. We saw that the Ralph Lauren store was having a up to 70% sales and went in. Wow, it's full of people though no clothes caught my eye.
We were going to come back on Saturday and asked my mother to check it out.
Went back on Saturday and was shocked that almost all the clothes were gone. All that's let was children clothing and some loose pieces.
The week after, my father and mother took leave and we went for a day's tour in Singapore. Since we are not going anywhere for the holidays. In the end, we hung around VivoCity for the whole day.
Watched Planet 51 in the afternoon. It is a pretty funny movie, very nicely done with a different plot.
Ate an early dinner at Earle's Swensens. Still didn't really like it. I prefer the normal Swensens.
We then went to buy our presents for the other person we had randomly picked.
By nighttime, we were tired and our original plan to visit Night Safari ended up not being fulfilled.
It was a good day for me.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Blinking cursor
Let's just say it's tougher than other individual projects because of its quota of words. The teacher first told us we need to write 2,500 words and I was feeling like "are you crazy?" In the end, it's actually less than 2,500 words, that's the stats in the briefing.
I'm sort of stuck at 1,700. Think I'll stop soon. It's time to move to other stuff.
Next week I'll be really busy, my slots are almost full. And it doesn't help that it's the last week of my holidays and the Christmas week. Oh boy, no getaway this year, I'm almost sure of it. *Sighs*
Nothing much to update, my thoughts are mush. When inspiration hits at an appropriate time, I'll write something with standard.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wrapped Up
Mid-semester tests were over and that's that. Franchising Business paper was, surprisingly, pretty alright. I think I managed to get the points right, it all boils down to how I explain them and whether the teacher thinks they are fine. 1 hour is really not enough to be writing essays. I'm hoping to get at least a B+ for Franchising Business, at least for 25%.
The 2 weeks holidays has begun. Can't say I love it. Maybe it's love with a hatred. This holiday is just another time to catch up on deadlines and it totally kills the mood. Most people I know of are enjoying the year end while for me, it's work as usual. Not that this is the first time I'm experiencing it. However, year 2 does seem so different from year 1.
I have hopes that in this tight schedule of mine, I can find some time to enjoy and relax, which is exactly what I've been doing until today.
I just realised I'm running out of time to complete what I should be doing. I need to make lists. I need to prioritise, damnation. It's just that everyday I wake up, I have in no condition to get down to business. It must the year-end and festive bug.
Christmas is nearly upon us, again. This is the time when the nostalgia and something quite difficult to put in words hit me with a force. I wish for the 'perfect" Christmas season, with the snow, the feasts, the decorations, the sound of carols, the sight of shoppers and windows displaying the finest, the works... *Sighs* It's a dream, for sure.
I do love this festive season. I do wish for the getaway to get away from it all. But, I don't think we're going anywhere this year. Oh well, more the time for me to complete my stuff.
The first week of term 2 is surely a lazy one. What with Tuesday being an off day, Friday being the New Year. Too bad we have to go to school on Thursday which is a New Year's Eve, nevermind the fact it's only for 30 minutes on a 9am slot.
*Le Gasp* Is 2010 nearly upon us? When have time move so fast? It seems like yesterday that I'm still enjoying my year 1.2.
As 2009 comes to a standstill, I'll end it with a quote from Bella in New Moon.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Franchising Business
I've got to buck up, really. I'm losing my resolution.. I can't forgive myself if my GPA drop this semester..
So near yet so far.. When tomorrow is over, I'm going to give myself a break before jumping back in.
This 2 weeks holidays is looking to be bad indeed, what with all the projects that need catching up.
Friday, December 04, 2009
New Moon movie review

New Moon movie is totally awesome! I enjoyed it, very much!
Chris Weitz has managed to capture the essence of the story which CH failed to do in the prequel. Kudos to him! I was a little shocked at the number of scenes and dialogue they managed to keep true to the book this time round.
So, the dialogue may be moved around a little and I admit that some dialogue in the book is pretty lengthy and boring for a movie. I understand the need for cuts and am quite pleased with the additional scenes they threw in.
The movie was faithful to the book and I'm extremely thankful for that.
The opening dream sequence was great. The breakup scene was painful to watch and the reunion at Italy was beautiful.
The cliff-diving and the conversation between Bella and ghostly Edward were great. That is one of my favourite parts in the book. I'm just disappointed that Bella didn't scream when she is going down. I like the "fire in the water" scene when Victoria was coming towards Bella.
The part on the October-November-December montage was amazing. That together with the Kristen Steward's acting was excellent.
I thought the effects of the wolves are a little too fake but the fight scene between wolf-Jacob and wolf-Paul was well-done. The snarling and growling and dirt-flying really appeals to me.
I didn't particularly like the fight scene with the Volturi because it seems over the top. Edward and Alice would want to prevent things from going ugly and Aro wouldn't have a fight out-front.
I do the like the effects of Edward's ghostly forms. Somehow, it's more suited to have a form than just a disembowelled voice warning Bella in the movie.
The relationship between Bella and Jacob was nicely explored but I wish they would show them having a walk, doing their homework etc. The dream catcher he made for Bella was a nice addition to the story as it relates to the nightmares faced by her.
There are a couple of things that I wish the producers could have left in. For example, Bella's screaming as she jumped, Bella screaming Edward's name as she ran through the throngs of people at Volterra, Edward saying "Carlisle is right" and the quote from Romeo, Bella thinking she was dead when she returned to Forks (that would make things light) and Edward's voice asking Bella to "be happy" when Jacob is about to kiss her. Nothing fanciful, probably wouldn't take more than a couple of minutes but it will convey more messages.
The raw emotions present in the movie was spot-on.
Kristen Steward's portrayal of Bella was so much better this time. Her expressions and acting has much improved since Twilight the movie. I can really feel her pain and agony as she passed the time without Edward by her side. Her screams at night was what made my eyes leaked.
Even Robert Pattinson's Edward was pretty good. The wretched look and air around the normally composed Edward was nicely played out. Furthermore, he only appeared minimally in the movie.
Taylor Lautner's washboard abs is Wow! It really shows his dedication for the movie franchise by the way he buffed up the last few months. I do love his portrayal of Jacob. He made the whole personal sun thing very believable.
The supporting cast were all great too. The wolf pack guys are kind of cute. Michael Sheen as Aro was pretty creepy and Dakota Fanning's Jane is evilly awesome. I do love Billy Burke's Charlie as the awkward father-figure.
I like the colours used in this sequel. It is so much better than the blue tint in Twilight the movie.
The soundtrack and accompanying music was lovely. It suits the ups and downs of the movie.
I didn't really like the way things end off but I can get over it. The closing line of "Marry me" do sets things nicely for Eclipse, now that I think of it. But, I wish that Bella could have said "OK, what's the punch line?"
Overall, the whole movie was tastefully done and it is indeed a movie made for fans. Chris Weitz did not disappoint when he sent that letter to Stephenie Meyer saying he would make a movie faithful to the fans and the book.
Thank you, Chris Weitz and the team who is responsible behind this creation! My scepticism about him is unfounded. I don't believe that I wanted CH to stay on. I can still remember the fears fans had when it was announced he was to be director for NM as his last movie was not up to standards in many people's eyes.
It is truly marvellous and I can't wait for David Slade's vision. He has an eye for beauty and abstract art and I look forward to seeing my favourite book bought to life.
"People from the two ends of Singapore, get together at the centre for a common purpose."
Purely by coincidence, my brothers and I wore red. I told my cousin we are celebrating St. Marcus Day too. My cousin had her NM shirt on, while I wore my self-made Bella’s bracelet with a crystal heart and silver wolf pendant.
How wonderful, it was like an itinerary was made for me yesterday.
I completed my test by 5.00pm and left school for Marina Square. My cousin and brothers arrived at nearly the same time as I did and we went to collect tickets by 6.00pm.
The counter-person nearly gave me a heart-attack saying that there was no such booking, but it’s his fault for not listening to me properly. We went for dinner at KFC and I had a second look at my potential Christmas present at Esprit.
We were in the theatre by 6.55pm and the advertisements began. The whole theater was full, as expected. I was continuously talking to my cousin about all twilight related stuff and what I hope to see.
The movie began and I was deeply moved and pleased by Chris Weitz’s work.
The cinematography was really well-done.
The emotions on screen are oh-so bittersweet and spot-on.
Too bad, my bladder can’t take it 30 minutes into the show, and I took off to the toilet. I think I missed Quil’s appearance, according to my cousin.
2 hours and 10 minutes passed all too quickly and it was time to be back on Earth. Thanks, cousin! For the lovely time we shared.
I really do want to view it again but it’s wasteful. I’m definitely getting the special edition DVD when it is out in the States. I look forward to the deleted scenes.
Eclipse is less than 7 months away, at least in USA. I wonder when will be the release date in Singapore.
It definitely sets the bar high for David Slade. I hope the negotiations for Breaking Dawn get done soon and please get Chris Weitz back for BD!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shoots! I can't get to sleep yesterday night as my mind was running a marathon with all the thoughts about what I am going to jot down and my feelings for NM.
I can't believe that this morning, I awoke, feeling very unrested, only to have my thoughts erase from my mind! Argh! All the things I tried hard not to think last night was gone when morning came.
I was hoping for some inspiration when I am writing this. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with the ways things turn out, except that this is not my best potential.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
New Moon movie is totally awesome! Yahoo!
I'll write the scene-by-scene analysis tomorrow. My schedule is kinda tight at the moment. Definitely getting the special edition DVD as soon as it is out!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
The day of reckoning is soon to descend
Nonetheless, I have high hopes because one, I must do well to get that A, two, it's common sense and not pure mugging for World Issues. I just hope that my common sense is intact tomorrow.
I've sooo many things going on. It's almost like Lou in The Gift, having to be in 2 places at one.
I promise myself this post is going to be short as I still have to re-read my last pages of New Moon. Initially, I wanted to post about the seating arrangements for the movie and other stuff. That will have to wait.
I can't believe after all the good comments about the movie in the last couple of weeks, I have the misfortune of hearing bad things today. Whatever, you know? As a fan, if I like it, that's what that matters. I shouldn't let all these naysayers spoil my mood. They are not fans and supporters to begin with anyway. They don't know what fans want to see and what Chris Weitz had in mind.
Are they the ones who bring NM to the top 5 spot in the highest-grossing movies in 2009? Ultimately, I will pass my judgement tomorrow. Until then, I will let good vibes come my way and lose myself.
As the last hour ticks by, 3th December will be nearly upon us. The feeling of anticipation is calming down.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Heartbeat beating
Technically, I booked it last Friday, despite that, I still lose the "best seats in house". So, I had to settle for second.
My twilighter cousin and brothers will be going along. I sure hope I can get there with time to spare to collect tickets and catch a breathe before losing myself for 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Time is really not on my side. I'm busy, busy all day and night and I have not study for my World Issues test. I've work, as usual.
No time to finish reading New Moon, oh gods. It's like Harry Potter HBP all over again. I'm going to start scanning and processing the pages as soon as I have the time before Thursday.
I'm really excited for the big day! I watched the full trailer again and was shocked by the graphics. Wooo, I never managed to catch my breath back. Breathtaking!
As the time draws nearer, I can feel the emotions swelling. If I was in the States, who knows where I'll be for the movie premier? Too bad, I'm in Singapore.
Nearly 1 year since the first twilight saga movie came out, and nearly 4 years since I became a fan.
6 more months to Eclipse and David Slade's showcase!