Sunday, February 28, 2010
Of Travel & Memories
It is not a place, much less a person. It is the experience I had that I long for. I can't help myself, pining for that wonderful experience I had all those years ago in Hokkaido, Japan with the rest of the family members.
It was something special, something true to the heart. As my brother puts it "Old times, old times".
I keep on harping about going back to Hokkaido, I think it's more of searching for that experience rather than visiting the places. Of course, I do love the country. But, to me, I want the intangibles over the tangibles. I want back the services, the good experiences, the times we shared and loved.
I am feeling very melancholy and reminiscing these past days.
I don't know what's wrong with me. To keep on searching for something intangible.
So, in about two weeks times, I'll be leaving for Taiwan, if everything turns out well.
I went to the NATAS Fair 2010 at Singapore Expo on Friday afternoon with my father. My father thought he was being smart to visit the booths on the first day and on an afternoon to boot. Well, there place was swarmed with like-minded people.
Luckily, there was carpark lots left. Ate at Burger King before going inside. Needless to say, the queue for the entrance tickets was so very long. But the queue moved quite fast. It cost $4 per person to go in.
Once inside, the crowds seem less congregated because the fair spanned from Hall 4 to 5. Seemingly, all the outbound tour operators were there. Ha, now is the time for me to dish out all those terms I have learnt during my tourism studies.
I was so excited to collect those brochures and catalog showing each country's best. I love reading up on what each country have to offer and more.
There were so many people giving out pamphlets and stuff. We went to Chan Brothers and another tour operator to compare the packaged tour on Taiwan. At last, we went with Chan Brothers, partly because of its reputation.
Wow, the Chan Brothers booth look to be the biggest yet, what with so many staff on hand and all of them occupied at any given moment. Signed on a deal; 8 days Taiwan All Rounder, after the one my father wanted was replaced with this instead.
I want to fly Singapore Airlines, but, alas, there was only a flight on Friday afternoon. Therefore, we had no choice but to make do with China Airlines. I know, me, (un)willingly to go with China Airlines. I guessed I resigned myself to saving money for my coveted trip, since one SQ ticket will cost a hundred plus more for each person. Another reason was due to it being a short journey, just 4 hours. I can endure that, I hope.
Naturally, I was going to research more on China Airlines when I reached home. I found out that it has a higher accident rate than normal airline average in the world. Oh gods, I shouldn't have done this. Now, it makes me quiver just to think of it. Urgh, I'm going to be sick.
This is the time to know more about the tour operator job. After learning about it so much, it brings a new perspective to see it at work. Those details, itineraries, advertising gimmicks, asterisks at play, etc. Pheesh, if they make it even more "cheap and wonderful", I wouldn't have fall for that. I rather take reasonable over gullible any other day.
Finally, everything was done. We went on to get our "free" 20 inches luggage bag from DBS bank for spending $2,500. Since we have some time left, we visited other booths promoting their countries. That's when I started my spree. Of collecting brochures.
Europe, Japan, Australia, Korea, Taiwan, but no USA. I now have this huge and heavy stack of booklets which I have no where to keep.
And then my father drove me back, too bad I had work later in the day and my father had to go back to his office. If not, we can spend more time there.
Saw the news yesterday, there was at least 8,000 visitors there by the first day. Is that awesome or what?
I just want everything to be alright. C'mon, millions of people fly in and out around the world. If I am afraid, I should jolly well stay in Singapore for the rest of my otherwise miserable life. I want to travel, that is a dream and hope.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Reason to work
More concrete reason why I should have work 4 days a week. Which is exactly what I am doing now.
For the fun of it, I checked out the price rates for a SQ flight to Orlando, Florida. To my horror, a round trip ticket would cost me S$4.8K, minimum. Holy crow! Where am I going to so much money? And it's just air tickets! What about shopping, theme park access, food and hotels?
Then, I went over to check out Chan Brothers travel packages. I found one that is pretty awesome. It starts from S$4.8k and it's a 13 day itinerary spanning from New York/New Jersey to Washington to Orlando. I figured, from Orlando, I can just stay on for another few days before leaving for Singapore by myself.
It's true that I don't know what flight this package consist of, there is a high chance that it is not Singapore Airlines.
Anyway, I just want to have a gauge of how things are. Obviously, I'm not giving up this goal. Because if I did, I wonder how will I be? To be living life without a goal is the worst thing that could happen. How I survive the rest of the semester depends very much on my goals when it is time to go.
With this goal, suddenly, I feel like I have a purpose to do well in my studies, to endure my work. I really do not want to forsake it because of some minor matter.
The date is changable, as long as I have a companion. But, I am not willing to wait for another year. Oh no. I have to make the trip before the second half of DH premiers.
Worst to come would be to join a tour, and that is actually a better solution. It is cheaper, I can visit attractions I normally wouldn't go by myself and I don't have to worry about accommodations/on the road expenses.
Actually, the main reason for checking out the flights and travel packages is because now that my mother wouldn't be going for a eye surgery this March, it means that we may have a chance to go overseas. Besides, she wants to go Taiwan. However, the real problem is that how will we find tours that are not fully booked. Free and easy is out since Osaka and Taiwan flights on SQ are not available during that March holidays.
On a more personal note, I had already signed myself up for duties for 4 days per week. And this is because there is shortage of staff. So, if I were to go overseas...
Ha, but it is wishful thinking if they think I will stay on while the rest of the family enjoy themselves. Of course, I would tell them early if only the date is fixed. Damnation.
Sometimes, I wish I would stop being so responsible to the point of nauseating. I feel irk at myself too. When it is clearly not MY problem, why should I have worry? Huh? That I really don't understand. And when will I stop viewing things out of proportion? I seem to escalate things and get so worried and strung-up over them. Then, I lose sleep and my mind buzzing, filled with all these nonsense.
I need to get those out of my system. Really. Period.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fresh Reads
My eyes nearly bulged out when I saw the total amount. Goodness, while I brought enough money, the price really caught me by surprise. But, I'm pleased for once, so that should mean something.
I went to Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City today after lunch. It was a date with myself. What? I think it's a good idea to go out alone, particularly when I have clear goals in mind. Besides, the things I love and do are somewhat "off" from what others like.
I can't imagine why there were so many people on the MRT, on an weekday afternoon to boot. Anywho, no seats for moi. But, of that, I already know. Nowadays, it is so difficult to get a seat on the MRT, it doesn't help that seats are taken off to make way for more capacity rate. Afterall, when people are standing instead of seating, the space one occupies is smaller.
I already did my research on the books I want and they are available at Kinokuniya. I went straight to Ngee Ann City via the walkway from Ion Orchard.
As usual, there are tourists around, holding maps and taking pictures Singaporeans normally won't take. Actually, I like seeing visitors acting all tourist-y. It gives me a fresh perspective and it is very refreshing to look through their eyes at the beauties of Singapore.
As a Singaporean, I do appreciate what Singapore has to offer. However, sometimes, even I need reminders to remain grateful and appreciative.
Of course, this is vice versa. I'm guilty of going to other countries and taking pictures of buildings and the scenery too. It must have seem so strange, to the citizens, these buildings are nothing to wonder at, they are there, they exist without any particular reason. But to tourists, they are a fresh look, something new from our country.
I ramble too much and enough philosophy for the day.
All in all, I bought 5 books. 3 of which are mine, something which I coveted. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Ben. H Winters, Thanks for the memories and The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern. For my brother, Percy Jackson and The lightning Thief and The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan.
This is the largest collection of books I have bought since forever. Usually, I just buy one or two at one go.
I wanted to go to Paragon next because I want to buy the mini OPI nail polish set at Metro. It is something I wanted since last Christmas. The price is atrocious but I thought "just this once". Who would have know that the weather was a party pooper and rained heavily when I reached Lucky Plaza.
Sighs. I'm not a frequent goer to Orchard Road, much less to the other shopping centres other than Wheelock Place and Ngee Ann City. I really don't know if there is any underground path leading to Paragon. Dejected, I went back to Ngee Ann City and leave for home.
It had been a great day, I must say. I got what I wanted, spent a huge sum on money on that too.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
CNY Part 2
Hooray! Today was the day we were to watch Percy Jackson and The Lighting Thief in the evening. I booked the seats about 3 days ago. And when I checked it today, the whole theatre was already 4/5th full.
I can hardly wait for the movie showing, because I had waited for it for a very long time. Probably since I was in Sec 3 when I first read the book.
In the morning, we went to my maternal big aunt’s house to visit before proceeding to my paternal great-uncle’s (grandfather’s brother) house. The family usually go there on the first day but this year, we wanted a change and it is so much more fun if we meet up with my uncle and auntie’s families.
In truth, we had so much fun there. The teenagers and the adults. So much of loud talking and laughing! So many goodies to enjoy! Well, it’s a good thing I am able to understand dialect so I know what they are talking about.
After that, the family went to my maternal second aunt’s house at Ang Mo Kio. Stayed for a while and we went to bathe before going to Marina Square.
Woohoo! We were lucky enough to find a carpark lot since the carpark was full of cars looking for spaces.
Ate at Long John Silver and my father went to collect the pre-booked tickets. After reserving seats for a few times, I can’t stand having to queue for tickets for the seats which I am not pleased about. Guess with the ease of reserving your favourite and best seats online, I have pampered myself. Anyway, it’s not like it is not a good deal. I just have to pay $1 extra for one transaction. So, the more seats I booked, the less that dollar is proportioned.
13 tickets again! When I have the picture, I will put it up.
I booked 2 rows on the right side. One for the adults and one for the teenagers. This time, we were not late for the trailers.
I enjoyed the movie very, very much. Perhaps, it was due to I went in with no expectations on my part. I mean, it had been a long time since I read the book and I do not complete the series. So, practically, I can’t compare it page by page.
I think I know what other fans meant when they say that to enjoy a movie adaptation, one have to go in with low or no expectations and be open-minded. Obviously, it is easier said than done.
If that book is beloved, normal fans can hardly stand it when it got plummeted and made into something without containing the essence of the book.
Kudos to Chris Columbus! Is it an irony that he too directed Harry Potter SS and CoS? I don’t like how people compared these 2 book series. Sure, there are some similarities. However, to quote Chris Columbus, fantasy books often have similarities. I think as long as authors are not outright copying other authors’ work, it is alright.
Percy Jackson is about Greek myths and gods in the 21st century. I distinctly remembered that I felt that it was a breath of fresh air reading about the books because it was just so original. Zeus and the other gods and goddesses holding their counsel in the Empire State building? Wow, that is so cool!
Also, it must have kick-start my passion and interest for Greek Mythology. I went online and searched more on the wide range of Greek Myths and stories of gods and goddesses. Or was it the other way round? I had an interest in myths and tales before Sec 3 and finding Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan was something special.
Either way, I did not complete the series because it was a long wait for me and I moved on to other genres. However, after watching this movie, my interest perks again. This time, I will complete the series. It still remain to be seen if I will buy the books or to borrow it.
Meanwhile, moving on to the actors and the cinematography of the film.
Logan Lerman who played Percy Jackson is set to be the rising star to come. He portrayed the character very well indeed. It doesn’t help that he is good looking as well. The adult secondary cast were all chosen well, a trait that Chris Columbus takes with him from his HP days.
The CGI and special effects were brilliant! The backgrounds were very well-done!
Overall, I love the movie despite the understanding that it differs quite a lot from the book. As I said, I went in there with no expectations and I enjoyed it. It wasn’t really my top favourite book series so I can accept some changes.
I can’t wait for the sequel which I heard is due in 2012.
16th January 2010:
The last day of the Lunar New Year holidays before everything goes back to normal. I'll miss these days.
In the morning, my brothers had to do their school work and in the afternoon, we joined my cousin’s family and the grandparents at Wheelock Place’s Sakae Sushi for lunch. My aunt came along too. One table for the adults and another for the teenagers.
There weren’t many plates of sushi going round because I think the chefs were not all back or something. Anyway, we had fun, eating and chatting away. Lots of plates of sushi and sashimi were ordered at the adults’ table.
We went for a walk at Ion Orchard. Boy, was there crowded. But, it seemed like everyone was just aimlessly walking up and down, as if there was nothing to do. Well, who are we to say others, right? We were walking aimlessly too.
Went for coffee at TCC opposite. I didn’t really like TCC so I didn’t order anything. There was no space for us in the air-conditioned area so we were made to sit outside. It will be good if the weather eased up a little. It is no secret that one of my wishes is to enjoy a cuppa at an outdoor pavilion with gentle breeze or cooler air about, obviously in an overseas setting.
We parted our ways at about 4 plus. I then went on to Borders to find some books but I didn’t buy any because I forgot the author’s name and the books I wanted weren’t available. Anyway, I plan to go down to Orchard next week.
And so, the long weekend ended without much fanfare.
This Lunar New Year had been tremendously great and fun. I enjoyed myself very much. Spending it with the family and close relatives, what more could we wished for? I just want this to last for many years to come.
These past days had me sleeping very, very late, sometimes at 1am in the morning.
Furthermore, I am disappointed again by Mediacorp. What!? No full coverage of Vancouver Winter Games 2010? It is my favourite Olympics games! The sports are far better and superior than the Summer games, at least in my opinion.
It’s time to ease up and rewind myself. Against my better judgement, I signed myself up for 4 days of work per week. Originally, I was going to say that I’ll be only working for 3 days. I need the time for myself, alright?
Holidays are for me to relax and just chill. I’m not someone with no life who work all day long. For goodness sake, I even feel guilty about spending my hard-earn money! What logic is that?
Well, well, I’m that person now, aren’t I?
But, I am determined to water-paint and make my countdown clock soon. Of course, not forgetting my beloved books waiting to be read.
Adieu for now
CNY part 1

Friday, February 12, 2010
Good God, What Just Happen?
Scratch that last post, this is the worst thing that could happen to me on this day.
The whole group didn't know that there is supposed to be a franchise class today at 2pm! With peer appraisal to boot! Now, we may lose up to 5% of the freaking grade just because we are ill-informed!
Why?! Why must this pop out on this day?! With the long weekend ahead, our chances are slim to do damage control.
Argh!!! This is really bad. We slaved the whole semester away only to get his approval and in the end, may jeopardise our grade because of this stupid matter!
Oh no, you can't imagine my mood right now. You can't imagine what I want to do and say.
The Last Hurrah
Everything is done, the holidays are here! Hurray!
Yesterday's interview role-play was alright, I guess. All the questions I prepared didn't come out, though I did make use of some of the answers I prepared beforehand. Yes, I already said I'm pathetic. Guess I didn't make a fool out of myself. Whatever, I don't want to think about it anymore.
I can hardly believe I stayed in school for some many hours after the interview and for what? A 5 minutes World Issues quiz. Out of 5 questions, I have 2 that I answered wrongly?
Gosh, things speed up in the last few weeks of school, I can't wait for it to be over and then, poof! it's time to say goodbye to semester 2.2. I'll miss my friends, luckily, we are not changing classes for semester 3.1.
Lunar New Year is here and I'm pretty excited! No matter what I declared in the past. Why, why am I working today, huh?
My manicured nails are beautiful, even I said so myself. It's a nude pink with silver tips. I tried to do the same effects on my toes but the outcome wasn't that good. Sighs...
Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief is a must-watch this CNY! I can't wait for to watch it. It's been years since I read the first book and I remembered thinking how nice it would be if there is a movie made. I'm so going to book tickets today for Monday's show.
Just hoping that there are still good seats available.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Interview, my gosh
That bane of my life, the interview role-play.
I think I'm pretty pathetic. I panic and am very worried about this, since year one, I guess. I will stutter and stammer and blush my way through. But I've to work on that, the stuttering and stammering part.
Of course, there is no chance in avoiding it. Sighs, this is a good thing, because how else am I going to land a job in the future? I mean a real job. If I can't even get pass an interview?
So, now, I'm preparing typical and potential questions my teacher will ask. I have 14 questions and answers so far. I think I'll stop, it's time to memorise.
Thanks to my father, who gives me tips on the answers and of course, the Internet. And myself, I guess. I can actually write out answers, it's just the saying out loud and answering on the spot that I am very worried about.
30 minutes of torture and I swear I'll erase the potential embarrassing situation from my mind. It is mortifying enough for me to make a fool out of myself in front of classmates, the last thing I need is for me to chastise myself.
I need all the luck I have to get through this. God, this is the worst. My brain don't work that way. I don't and can't think on the spot!
If all else fails, so be it. I'll improvised on the spot. I think I have a knack in getting out of impossible situations. So, I should be just fine.
Besides, I have no hopes for it, so less chance of a disappointment to myself. Less than 20 percentage is based on this anyway. I am confident that the test and the other components will cover up this ugly spot.
If tomorrow never comes ... how will I enjoy my holidays?
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Gone with the wind
The semester will end on Thursday, after the interview role-play and quiz. On one hand, I'm very glad that the term will end very soon. On the other hand, I will miss this semester.
I don't know, unlike other semesters, this has got to be the best and the worst. It is like a love/hate relationship, non?
The team dynamics have been more than great but the stress levels I felt is way too high. I wouldn't want to say I miss what I experienced because I'm happy to get rid of it. I have had fun this semester and it makes me nostalgic.
I feel "off" this semester, like I'm too strung-up, or is that my New Year resolution taking place?
I'm grateful and fortunate to get pretty good and approachable tutors/lecturers. Or perhaps, I am a little bias in this aspect since they have been good with our projects and grades. I can only hope that my remaining semesters teachers will be as well as them.
Suddenly, it seems I'm thrust into the big, wide world. All those late nights mugging for projects and more projects, then, all of a sudden, I'm free! The feeling is strange. I have so much time on my hands.
Ha, those extra effort out into projects are going to be worth it. The tutors seem kind of impressed with what we have. All I know is that SME will give me an A, well, unless they moderate the marks. I'll scream if I get a Z.
I don't want to speculate much before the results. Lest I jinx it. Oh, the agony, to have to wait about one month before I can get the grades for this semester. At least 4 As, with my fingers crossed.
I'll be making the most of my holidays. I plan to start water-painting and doing my countdown clock. But, right now, I just want to relax and clear my brain. And my brain is dead, indeed. I can't think or wish to do anything at this moment.
I have strong wishes to go on a vacation... However, it is falling short. Still, I will hold on to that hope.
Chinese New Year is just around the corner. As much as I said that I felt no spirits for it, after shopping and going out on Saturday, I felt so much better. I can hardly wait for it! New clothes, hanging out with family, maybe for a movie or two, who doesn't like that?
Finger crossed for my interview.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Aye & Nay
Yesterday's Communication Skills 2 test was good! Oh yes, I think I can get quite good marks for it. I did the minutes writing first because that is the most important part.
I can't believe the worry and apprehension I felt through the preparation for the summative test. Actually, I can. Because I want myself to do well.
Friday's Franchising presentation was a success, I should say. My group was the last group to present and we waited for more than 2 hours before it was finally our turn. The wait was long and slightly agonising. I don't understand why some groups took so long.
Anyway, the teacher was kinda impressed with our work. Oh well, let the grades do the talking, shall we? I just don't want someone to stab us on the back.
Friday's Travel and Leisure test wasn't OK though. Yeah, it's open-book. So what? I had thought that planning itinerary would come out and I thank my good fortune that I had brochure itinerary from Japan and Australia.
1 and a half hour was just not enough. I don't have the time to finish the paper and flipping through the notes finding the right answers to fill in the blanks. In the end, I had a couple of blanks not filled in. But the short answers section was manageable.
All that is left now is SME presentation on Monday and Interview Role-play on Thursday. Can't believe I have to stay back until 4pm for the 5 minutes World Issues quiz on the last day of school.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Just another day
Really, it boils down to 2 things when it comes to updating. One, whether I have inspiration to write something. Two, whether I'm feeling alright enough to pen down my thoughts.
This post is just an entry to bump things along and keep things going.
I've been feeling rather lethargic and moody lately, need I say? It's all those projects and tests and role-plays. It's really getting on my nerves.
Wooh~ Final project was handed up today. Must say I'm pleased generally. I have such high hopes for each and every one of them. As, here I come!
Communication Skills 2 is a killer. I understand the need for a test but, really, in the working world, do you seriously think we have to memorise each and every single format and ways to write a letter, minutes of meetings and all that? C'mon, this doesn't make sense whatsoever.
Don't even let me start on the interview role-play. It makes me so nervous just to think of it. But, what will come, will come. Just 15 minutes, and I'll be out. Grade be darn. I have no hopes for this aspect at all.
Although, I'm that type of person who rather take exams over projects, I must say I'm somehow glad that school term will end in 1 week time. Yay!
This term has been rather tough for me what with all that pressure and expectations.
Suddenly, I'm hit with this thought, I'll out of school in 1 year time. Oh goodness, time seems to have pass so quickly if I project it forward. I'll be lose in this strange, new world. Everything will be in a different perspective.
Am I ready? Not that I know of.
Of course, if I have the chance, I'll jump at any opportunity to go overseas to study. Be it soon or later. It's now or never, and I don't want to miss out on this experience.
And I have to start researching on my coveted graduation trip. I really don't want to miss out this perfect chance to go. Everything is just right, at least I think so.
When all is said and done, I'll be back. This time, with more happiness.