Anyway, back to the main topic, which the title already displayed clearly.
Hooray for the industry! Not so much for my pocket. There are a couple of new novels coming out and I'm getting them! What else is new?

First of, surprise, surprise from Stephenie Meyer!
She is releasing a new novella titled "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner". After a year or more hiatus, it's awesome she is releasing this. Although, this novella was written before Twilight was published. It is originally meant for the Twilight Guide but it's too long to be included, so, now it's a stand-alone.
I love the cover! Its matching cover with the rest of the Twilight saga books means that it is meant to be a collectible. I can't wait to read the darker side of the Twilight vampire universe. All we ever read was the good side and sometimes, the other side. This story does not have a happy ending, that I can say as much.
Some fans are not too happy about this piece of news. They wanted Midnight Sun. Me? I'm thrilled with whatever Stephenie gives. Of course, who doesn't want Midnight Sun? However, she is in no obligation to owe fans anything. I think some mistook that fact.

This is also Twilight-related. It's a graphic novel. There is two volumes to it and what I'm most thrill about is that I can finally see how the characters look like. Really. Non of that movie-'nonsense'. No Robert Pattinson look-a-like here.
It's here in Singapore but unfortunately, it's so expensive! I don't understand why. Amazon and Borders USA are selling it at US$11+, in Singapore, a freaking S$36+. Do the conversion and you will see that the bookstore is extorting us. Urgh. I now wonder if I should ask my friend to help me get it instead.
Yay! I've been waiting for this for a long time. At first, it was to be Isabella's story. Now, apparently, it's Montgomery's. It's great though. He is one of my favourite characters in the De Piaget family.
I can't wait till he met his 'fairy'! Love the book cover, it's of Sedgewick castle, the place where they met. It will be out on April 27th. I'll give it a few days to reach Singapore's shores and off to Kinokuniya!
I sincerely hope the novel will be there. I'm going to get so angry and upset if there isn't.
During the period of obsession with Kurland's novels, what I can find in the library database, I reserved and booked them with a small fee. I spent a not-so-small amount buying the others, even flying them in from overseas (without extra charges).
All in all, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I managed to read most of her novels, except one or two.
This is the novel not to be missed. Lynn Kurland is publishing a novel each year, at least that's her plans. I like people who have plans and stick to them.
Actually, all these new books here are not to be missed. Alas for my funds then. Although, what's a little money in exchange for happiness and fantasies?
Actually, all these new books here are not to be missed. Alas for my funds then. Although, what's a little money in exchange for happiness and fantasies?
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