Monday, May 31, 2010
How Blue Are You?
My Darlings
We ate at NorthPoint and I finally received the long-awaited special edition New Moon DVD from Borders and Twilight Graphic Novel.

It feels great that I managed to get what I wanted from the States. I've yet to pay her back though. In total, it cost me S$70. Well, what can I say? It's worth it.
On Friday, after my father returned home from his overseas trip, we left for Orchard Road.
First, we went to a photograph exhibition outside Mandarin Gallery. It was titled "Biodiversity". Oh boy, the photographs taken are truly an inspiration for someone who likes to take photographs, like me, for instance. The winning entry is a masterpiece. It depicts a rare sight: an otter chasing after a crab in the waters off Sungei Buloh.
We managed to find a parking lot at Ngee Ann City and I went to collect my coveted book, One Enchanted Evening by Lynn Kurland.

It led to me thinking what's with the world of bedsheets designs nowadays. They are either in one colour tone which is too dull or in "loud" designs which is too bright. I can't find one that suit me.
My taste reflects on my existing bedsheets which is my ultimate favourite. Not only is it soft and beautiful embroidered, it has flowers scattered here and there. It is sophisticated yet not too "old".
We left Orchard with my aunt who is working there at around 8pm plus. Once I reached home, I immediately set to read One Enchanted Evening and read through the night till 1am. I finished the novel on Saturday afternoon. There will be a post on the review soon.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bittersweet End
"The end is nigh, fellow fans... I don't really know what to say! I can't fathom a world without the phenomenon of Harry Potter, it has been a part of my life for so long! I am sad, excited, and joyful that Harry made it through in one piece and had the happy ending we all hoped he'd have.
It's not like after the last film all this will just disapparate like a certain cheeky, wide eyed house elf - we will continue to love HP and more kids will be reading and loving it too! But, as many kids will read this series and see the films and listen to the music in the future - we are the first fans, we can proudly say we were there when Harry Potter was born and were loving every moment of it!
We were here through the desperate times, trying to piece together theories on what will happen next and waiting - oh the endless waiting! - for the next book or film.
I salute JK Rowling for everything she has done. She is such a brilliantly talented writer and role model! I hope to be an author/illustrator someday and she has certainly inspired me that anything is possible, you never know how something will go until you try!" (Ginny_and_Crookshanks_PotterObsessed)
"Howdy Pards, As we wipe tears away we must admit that we knew this moment would someday come.
These characters that have become so much a part of all our lives will live forever in the books, up there on the silver screen, and in our hearts. The actors who played a part in Harry Potter will truly become immortal now... they are a part of a classic series of stories that will live for all time.
In the crystal ball, I see a future of star reunions...of books...of conventions about Harry Potter that will last until the last star has left us. The celebrations will continue... Somehow there is a real magic in all this beginning, of course, with the imagination of J.K. Rowling... the skills of the filmmakers... all those wonderful folks behind the scenes who played a part... and all those actors who brought the wonderful characters in Harry's world to life.
Along with the feelings of sadness, let there be feelings of thanks to all who gave the world the wonderful gift that is Harry Potter. We will grow old...but the magic will remain forever fresh and new to generation after generation...make no mistake Harry Potter is classic storytelling at its very best...and classics live for all time. Adios for now." (wildolddan)
"In these last moments of Harry Potter, I have to express my most joyful love for this series among other things.
From the first time I heard the first book in 2nd grade, I never understood how much of an impact it had on me until I finally see it coming to an end. Although the spectacle has lasted for my whole life, I will still cherish the lessons and experiences these books and movies and theme park have taught me even after it is done.
Imagination can crowd the mind, but it never hurts the mind. And J.K. Rowling only emphasizes my dear love for imagination, even though imagination can't seem to crowd mine. Thank you so much Rowling, filmmakers, for helping realize the love that this series portrayed and displayed without prejudice." (Greenspade)
These are some of the best tributes I have read so far and they literally took the words from my mouth. I have to admit I'm not very good at using words to express my feelings even though I love my words.
So, instead of me typing all these out, I've decided to play cheat and take some of what I considered good tributes from fellow fans and post them. Credit are given as due.
Of course, the end is not that near. But given the way filming are being done, the epilogue filming this week, we can say that things are coming to a standstill soon.
There is still post-production and not to mention, until mid-2011 before the last part of Deathly Hallows is shown on the silver screen.
I feel so proud to be here, sharing every moment with the rest of the fans as we dissect the paragraphs, speculate on the endings, shiver with anticipation over the release of each film and book.
And when the time comes when all this end, that's where the tributes and bittersweet tears will come pouring. And it's then I'll start on my personal tribute to the wondrous J. K. Rowling and the film crew for bringing life to imagination and imagination to life.
Until then.
Fun Saturday
The family went out again. This time to Suntec City as my brothers wanted to buy toys. Despite apprehension about the upcoming Event Management test on an early Monday morning, I still enjoyed myself.
We ate at Crystal Jade Restaurant and while my brothers went to Toys R Us, we went to G2000. It is near the period for the Great Singapore Sales and everywhere are offering discounted items.
I bought an office blouse since one of mine was torn.
We then went to Lee Hwa Jewellery as my mother wanted to buy a pendant for my Aunt's birthday. She ended up buying a purple gold pendant herself. It was on a special rate and she bought it.
Wow! It is something I wanted since purple gold is made possible. Next time, next time.
We were eligible for the membership and I signed it under my name. I have 2 membership cards now. One from TianPo Jewellery and the other is Lee Hwa.
After which, we walked over to Marina Square to drink at Coffee Club. I ordered the usual, Strawberry Passion Tea Freeze. I am going to try the various dairy-free smoothies next time round.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Peaches & Lemons
I've endured for years, now that there's only months to go, why is it that I suddenly feel that things are hard to get along?
Graduation Day 2010 is in my school and this brought out a torrent of emotions in me. For one, I can't wait to graduate and put the full-stop in this chapter of my life. It has gone on for long enough and it's time to let go.
I won't go so far to say that I won't miss the times I have in Poly. Sure, there are moments I treasured and loved. But, unfortunately, that is far and between.
I want to wear the graduation robes and get my diploma. I want that experience and memory.
You know, for someone who grab hold on the past and the mundane so tightly, it is funny how I can let things go just as quickly. I like the predictable, the simplicity. I hate changes. But, oh, what wouldn't I give to experience something so wondrous and strange and unique!
It has always been my dream to study overseas, be it sooner or later. I want to travel, to see what I've seen on clips and articles.
Yes, I have good days and bad days. Everything else just falls in between. There are days when I feel as if life is just plain meaningless. Why do we work so hard for? Is it for glory? Is it to fulfil your materialistic gains? Because, ultimately, everything will end. Whether you are high up in the corporate ladder or just another man on the streets, everything will come to an end.
However, it boils down to one thing. Do you want to be the loser or the winner or at least be able to answer to yourself?
Despite sounding so depressing, I wouldn't worry for myself. Let's just say writing all these is a way to release my stress. Besides, there are things I've yet to do. Places yet to be travel. Movies yet to be watched. Books yet to be read. Entertainment yet to be seen. Goals yet to be fulfilled.
I may be a greater fool but I've not lose my mind.
Let us rewind back to school stuff. Semester 3.1 only has a word to describe it. Bad. Real bad. I can't wait for it to end and Semester 3.2 to come and go. Then, I'll be out in the lonely and cruel world. Just peachy, as I said.
Semester 3.1 is bad in so many ways. The lecturers, the subjects, the projects, the feel of things. Everything is just "off". Or is it me who is "off"? Perhaps I'm working on a different wavelength
from others.
Ha, I have yet to even see and experience a quarter of the real world but it seems I can be really insightful when I want to.
I've still a long, long way to go but I'm weary.
Anyway, as they put it, "when Life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand chocolates."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
At Wits End
The teacher did bring up a good point. He said that the Singapore system and the world's in general follows a hierarchy and we are brought up with model answers. So, to thrust us into a world of innovation proves to be daunting for us.
At first glance, the project seems harmless enough, even fun. However, when you look deeper, you would realise that you are in really deep trouble if you are the kind of person with a lack of creativity. Like me.
Yes, I can come up with some pretty good innovations if I am NOT under pressure. Like they say, inspiration hits when you least expect it.
But now, I am on a tight schedule to get things done. Originally, my plans was to develop on the cellphone, to make physical aspects better. Lo and behold! Technology moves faster than my brain and those ideas I thought of already sort of exist in the market.
Furthermore, a classmate whose presentation is earlier than mine was doing on cellphone too. And her ideas almost clashed with mine. To make things work, I have to give up on my plans. Anyway, it wasn't that great in the beginning.
I sought out help from my friends and family members. While some of them gave wacky but great ideas, others seem to be like me, with no ideas flowing.
Now, I want to do on laptops. I don't know why the products I choose to do on are all electronics and high-tech gadgets. The first round of presentations saw development on tables, bottles, and even bamboo holder! All simple, everyday products!
Therefore, I don't know what's wrong with me. As they presented, my mind went "Why didn't I think of that?" Oh gods.
It's like I can never beat that status-quo or think out-of-the-box. Perhaps, in a different surrounding, my creative juices will start to flow and I can get better. For now, I am stuck as a penguin.
The project is really getting on my nerves, along with everything else.
Tests are coming my way. Projects will have to be passed up soon. Only a couple of good things to look forward to. To read One Enchanted Evening and my friend's coming to town.
Fieldtrip & Shopping
Overall, it was quite fun as this was my first time going to the Singapore Philatelic Museum. It was truly an eye-opener for me.
We then ate at Wendy's for lunch at Lau Pa Sat.
In the evening, the family except my mother went to Orchard Central and CentrePoint. It was sort of to celebrate my belated birthday again. Besides, I wanted to get clothes from Esprit as it's my birthday month and I get 20% off as a member.
We ate at this Ramen place which does not sell udon. And I saw this store called Jewels which sells beautiful chocolate pieces for an extraordinary price. They are almost art pieces! It's really cool though.
After which, we went over to CentrePoint where Robinsons is having sales. I wanted to bedsheets because I have only 1 at home. However, I didn't manage to get one due to I didn't know what is the size of my bed. Also, no design caught my eye. Oh well.
I went down to Esprit with my father. I did get 2 pieces of clothes. Why, oh why is Esprit so expensive in Singapore? I swear if I go to USA I will bring back lots of clothes.
We had ice-cream at Haagen Dazs.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Celebrating 19 Years

It's Mothers' Day on the 9th of May and since we celebrated it last week, this week we were supposed to bring 2 dishes from each family.
My Aunt cooked chili crayfish, cockles and scallops. We bought black-pepper ribs and chicken. My other Aunt bought sushi. And not forgetting, a cake to celebrate my birthday and Mothers' Day.
It was a divine chocolate cake! It's really smooth! I wanted to go for Awfully Chocolate but seeing that it requires ordering at least 3 days in advance and I'm lazy to do so, I'll have to pass. My Aunt bought this cake from Choc-A-Bloc which was just as lovely. It's completely a chocolate inside and out.
At least things picked up on Sunday.
So, I'm officially 19 now. Not much change is there? Age is nothing but a number. It doesn't mean everything changes when you turn one year older. Perhaps, though, you start to feel weary and wish for something extraordinary in your life.
PS: a shout-out to those who wished me happy birthday! I truly appreciate it!
Monday, May 10, 2010
C'est le Dix Mai
Célébration de dix-neuf ans.
Hooray! Things did pick up afterall! I'm quite the happy girl!
I shall do a post on celebrating Mother's Day and my Birthday when I'm less busy.
Le meilleur reste à venir (The best is yet to come)
Saturday, May 08, 2010
18 going on 19
Friday, May 07, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
At My Fingertips, Not
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Books & Buildings

Maybe, just maybe I may buy it for fun? Because this is not a new book at all, it contains 2 stories in one which I have already read before.
Yesterday, I made a trip down to Orchard with my brother to try my luck on getting my hands on One Enchanted Evening.
I knew Borders would not have it but I went to check it anyway. We bought drinks from Coffee Club and walked down to Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City.
I was to make a reservation for the book. I didn't know know exactly what the person told me. She said that because it was the first time in print and just came out in the States, they don't know if their suppliers are getting the book or not. And they will contact me about it. But, it will take about 4 to 6 weeks for it to arrive.
What I am worried about is that I won't know it if they contact me on my phone. Last time, they called me twice and I didn't pick up because I was working. It was by sheer luck that I went down to check and found that my books had arrived.
I suppose I can recognise the number though. In my estimation, it won't take more than 2 weeks for the new book to arrive in Singapore. However, that goes my hope for ever getting it in time for my birthday.
See? That's why I lament living in a place far away from the happenings of the world, particularly USA. When there are good things going on, we're the "last" to receive it. If we ever want to learn more, we have to fly halfway across the world to get it with the air ticket being freaking expensive.
Yes, I know, there are advantages and disadvantages living in different countries.
Don't get me wrong. I do love Singapore. It's just that we are so backward in certain aspects, like entertainment. We may be ahead and con-current with world news but when it comes to entertainment matters, no way.
We can see it but we can't touch it. And it hurts.
After that, we took the Circle Line for the first time since its recent opening to Marina Bay. Boy, did we walk a long way from Promenade Station to Marina Square.
Met up with the rest of family at Dian Xiao Er for an early celebration of Mothers' Day.
Then, we walked down to The Helix. It's rather beautiful. Steel beams interweaving each other to form an overhead. As usual, there were lots of people all wanting to get a first look at the newly erected Marina Bay Sands.
It's just too bad that we didn't manage to get into the building since the narrow walkway was chock full of people and we ended up getting stuck. We did a U-turn and went back.
Ahh well, when everything officially open at June, we will go back.
We were all sweaty and tired. Actually, we wanted to have a drink at Coffee Club but there were no seats for us. We then went to Starbucks at Suntec City.
Went home afterwards and watched a few snippets of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. Even though I have watch it many times, I still can't get enough of the movie.