Questions, questions.
Have I been thinking too much so much so that I can't even form a coherent thought in my mind now?
What prompt me to think that going back to school on holidays is a good idea in the first place?For goodness sake, I don't even feel like leaving the bed.
There could only be one bad thing about holidays and that is this: holidays with responsibilities!
Holidays in mid-term is a very bad idea. The idea of having a holiday but having to work on your projects is a torture with the capital letter T. It's a tantalising thought complete with torture devices.
I welcome holidays with open arms but this is a little bit sadistic. You get holidays but have to use the time to work on so many different projects. Is it little wonder that my brain is mush?
Update: My Muse is back, it seems. I just hope it doesn't go away too soon this time.
Alright, there are lots of thoughts swirling around now. I'm not exactly the most eloquent person around. I think a lot, and when I don't put them on paper there and then, I lost them. It gets really frustrating.
It's a good thing I'm not an aspiring author because this is a bad habit to have.
You know what? I want a beta reader to proof-read my projects. Not necessary to correct but to see whether it works and flows properly and put in their 2 cents. Hmmm, if only I dwell within the fanfiction world, since the authors are always looking for a good beta. Too bad, it's just a thought.
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