Saturday, July 03, 2010

Happy Eclipse Day!

Happy Eclipse Day!

This came in just a tad late. It was on July 1st 2010 that the movie opened with a bang.

I fretted over about not getting to book seats one week in advance and my father was kind enough to help me book since he went home early on Wednesday. On another note, Golden Village has really bad customer service, I emailed them and did not get a reply.

Wednesdays are a bane in this semester, classes just have to end early on this day.

Anyway, I got the seats I wanted, I guessed I was not surprised that on Wednesday night, only a small portion of the theater was filled. However, by the next day afternoon, the theater was almost full.

I did not finish re-reading Eclipse despite going home early on Thursday. But, I tried to absorb as much as I could. Then, it was time to go off.

The review will come in later.

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