Friday, September 10, 2010

All These Talking

What is wrong with me?! Goodness, I realised I have a penchant for masochism. No, no, no! It is so dumb, why did I like last-minute study so much? At least, I think so. Because I can't bring myself to start early.

Anyway, I will be free once Monday comes along. Then, it will be my last Hurrah before I turned myself in. *Gasp* I can't believe I am comparing going for internship like being married or going to jail.

Let me just enjoy my last days as a free person.

So, there has been a highly controversial act going on. If you don't know what it is, then you are living under a rock all this while. It has resulted in much backlash and fear from the world as we are living in these trying times.

2010, so many years of civilisation and yet, we still can't seem to get out of ancient pettiness and feuds. Perhaps, it is made worse by technological advancements and the "I-am-better-than-you" syndrome.

It's so silly that we are taking two steps forward and one step backward. It just makes us enter a period of slow-moving advancement in terms of softer aspects.

Oh well, I'm not going to comment on anything to do with religion and what not, because it's becoming too controversial and sensitive a topic to even talk about.

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