Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Waving the White Flag

If I could surrender without any consequence, trust me, I would have wave that white flag from the start. It's not that I do not have guts, it's just that I'm more of a self-preservation sort. If I have known the horrors, would I still continue on? I don't think so.

My father once said that interns are no different from volunteers after I said that volunteers are cheap labour whom you only need to provide meals for. I don't think so. The major difference between interns and volunteers starts with the letter V.

Volunteerism means that you willingly go ahead with whatever you partake. You understand the clauses and go ahead with it because it means something to you. On the other hand, interns, at least for us, it's forced. FORCED, in capital letters.

I most certainly didn't agree or go ahead willingly. I don't understand the clauses and do not wish to sign on the dotted line.

Besides, volunteerism means you should be happy and it is justify that you don't get cash in return.

If there is one thing worse than cheap labour, it is free labour. I am having morbid thoughts about when and how we are getting our just payment. My mind is filled with "what-ifs". They are a failure if they think they can get away with that.

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