One of the highest grossing movie franchises in the world, literally Warner Brothers' money tree.
Harry Potter has ignited a spark in the hearts of millions of readers and a passion that was lost for quite a while.
Harry Potter accompanied many during their childhood years and beyond, still many in their adult years. "He" makes worldwide readers and fans unite through the creation of fansites, world premieres and midnight parties.
Harry Potter is J.K.Rowling's gift to us and we pay tribute to her.
The movies are a god-send. Imagination is powerful, but having the scenes play out right in front of you, now that is something magical. Movies convert even more people, some to readers, fans, others just for fun of it.
It has been eight years now since I become a reader and a fan and I never look back. I cannot imagine a life without books, Harry Potter being one of those.
To admit, I even imagine what would happen if Hogwarts and the magical world is real when I was young. It is all childish dreams but it don’t hurt to dream and make good use of the brain.
How I wish I can be part of the student body at Hogwarts, drinking pumpkin juice, hanging out with friends at Hogsmeade, sleeping on a four poster bed, going for Potions class, having a wand, sending owls home, etc. With magic, some things can be made so easy. Of course, I would still choose technology over magic.
Those who are not fans or readers will not know what is so appealing about this series. They scoff at the ridiculous antics fans did and laugh at the devotion and passion we show. But what they didn't know is that they will never experience such a phenomenon.
To give them credit, perhaps some of them do not need such things in their lives. Perhaps they have "better" things to do. Perhaps, they don't even like reading and treat the movies as just another movie to watch for the year.
On the other side, Johnny-comes-latelys will not experience the anticipation of each book release, the countdowns, the speculations, the wonderful times fans alike shared on fansites. I am not saying they don’t deserve a share of the pie but those feelings of the past cannot be felt now.
All 7 books are now sold as a collection, a far cry from the past, when we had to build up our collection slowly. I would love that but it takes the pleasure out of it. Fans who got on the ride with Harry Potter since the start grow up with the young actors/actresses and the trio. We journeyed with them through the ups and downs of life and the magical world.
I am glad and blessed that I am considered one of the pioneers.
Harry Potter was and still is magical.
Harry Potter was and still is magical.
Though the flame of Harry Potter dims; it will never truly go out because fans will find ways to keep the spirit alive. All else worldly aside, memories will never fade.
I hope that my passion for the books/films will live on for many years to come. And even then, when I am feeling dull, there will the books to keep me company and let me relive the good ole days.
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