Saturday, November 06, 2010

Saturday Woes

Oh gods, today was worse than I thought.

I had fun over the last week and now it's payback time. The amount of homework from each child is that many and we had to mark all of them, today. There were only 3 of us left to finish the work. Bloody hell.
It's 8 hours of straight work for me, on a Saturday. I started at 9.27am and ended at 5.29pm. I saw this coming and my reaction is relatively numb over this.
At least, I got pay by the hour. Oh, why am I doing this anyway? I keep questioning myself. At least, I won't feel guilty over how I spend. And I know I need the cash, if I am going to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 at least twice.
Contrary to common belief, I do not do this just for the sake of money. Oh no, you can call me a chronic goody-two-shoes who is too responsible for her own good.

When I have to do something, I make sure I do it right. When something falls under my care, I have an obligation to make sure it works out right. That's how I am and I hate it. A recent example was the camera business. It's all in my previous post.
I am seriously in need of therapy. I need therapeutic shopping. Actually what I need is a good holiday, free and easy. All I want is to relax and relive, is that too much to ask?
I don't know which one of the two jobs I have now is worse. I can only console myself that regardless of what, jobs are temporary. If you hate it that much, shove it.
Anyhoo, the thought of fulfilling my goal is comforting.

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