Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Ho, ho, ho! I had finally had the interview with my ex-boss and I got my cheque. Phew, I thought I will never see the day. There's only the performance appraisal left. But, they say they will mail it by year's end.

As Christmas nears, I am sort of getting a whiplash. I dread it, yet love the whole season in general. Why dread, you ask? It's because it means a lot to me, to see it passed, means I will have to wait for another year.

Seriously, the prospect of the new year is not very tempting. I guess I dread 2011 more than any other years because I will be graduating soon. Like real soon. And I have been in a "quarter-life crisis" since I was in secondary school.

I want to continue studying, really. But, we'll see how it goes. I seem to remember vaguely the troubles I have when I left secondary school and going on to tertiary education.

Ahh well, I want to promise that I won't put any more depressing posts, at least till the end of the year. I'll try.

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