Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm what they call a book purist, a loyal and firm supporter of the beloved book series. I am quite a nit-picker because I just want to see the original gets translated onto the big screen.

As I read some of the reviews by Harry Potter fans, I take comfort that I'm not alone. There are tons of like-minded people out there!

I find myself nodding in agreement and crowing in delight when fans pointed out those plot holes, inane changes and unforgivable mistakes the franchise has made. My sentiments exactly!

I cannot get over the fact that Harry didn't repair his wand with the Elder wand or return it to Dumbledore's grave. I mean, what's what with that?!

I know that the books will always triumph over the movies and that these are only movies adaptations, hardly screenplays, but as a dedicated fan, I would like to see more effort being put in.

I know we should be grateful and thankful that the book-to-movie adaptations are still better than average and that we should love the two as separate entities.

Oh well, I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed that it wasn't the epic film that it has the potential to be.

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