I think enough have been said on the news whereby CBS decided to change John Watson into a Joan Watson with the recent casting for their re-make of Sherlock Holmes set in modern time, in New York no less.
We'll see whether this remake will flop or not, won't we? If it does, Sherlock fans will be laughing. If it doesn't, then it's all fine. It's not as if the BBC original version pales in comparison or will lose their revenue to them. The BBC version will always be in the hearts and minds of devoted fans.
The first thing I thought of when the cast was announced was "wow, it's like fanfiction coming true". They even used the first name, Joan, which is what most fanfic writers go for when they create a female Watson.
The demographics has already shifted 180 degrees. From what I've seen, this programme will be targeted at more conservative, older Americans who will frown at a platonic bromance or any underling sexual tension, so as to speak.
Like so many other Sherlock fans, I do find it atrocious and silly, on so many levels of wrong basically but I doubt I will be getting myself up in a tizzy over it. This post is more for my reference than for anything else.
Of all the direction for originality the team could take, they choose this. Many people have said that it was because they and the audience couldn't deal with any sort of ambiguous relationship that may arise between Holmes and Watson. To make it more acceptable to the general public, they made this radical move.
Why must people always be afraid of homosexual undertones that everything has to become heterosexual just to have a romance?
I've seen a great quote somewhere that goes something like this, "it is easier to fake sexual chemistry than platonic chemistry" which is quite true. By having a female Watson, it changes everything. The possibility of a romantic relationship between Holmes and female Watson will almost be cemented, won't it?
Furthermore, it just spoils the direction Arthur Conan Doyle took with his books. The whole essence of Sherlock Holmes is the friendship and loyalty between Sherlock and John, two housemates with two very different personalities. The relationship dynamics between the two is crucial in the development.
I will probably try it out for the laughs provided I could access the programme in the first place. If it's really funny and ridiculous as people made it out to be, it will be more fun.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
John, what John?
John Watson,
sherlock holmes,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Happy Leap Year 2012
Happy Leap Year! It's 29th February 2012 and since it is a special day that only occurs every 4 years, I would like to take this opportunity to write up this post to commemorate.
Besides, it is supposedly my grandmother's adopted birthday although we do celebrate every year.
Besides, it is supposedly my grandmother's adopted birthday although we do celebrate every year.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy movie review
I'm glad I went out with a friend on Saturday and I'm even more glad that I went to watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. From what I have gathered, viewers either love or hate the film so I was in a bit of of a conundrum. Furthermore, the rating was in M18 for "sexual scenes" so I was nervous as well.
However, I'm happy that I went because I did enjoy this Oscar-nominated movie. Yes, it was a slow-burning, non-action spy thriller. It's completely different from what one would get from mainstream Hollywood slap, chase, bang spy films. For one, this is British, and we all know that there is something magical about British-made products. This film is intelligent but mind-boggling, I've to admit. You never know who the mole is until the end.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy features the creme de la creme of British actors, both veterans and rising stars, who showcase their superb acting skills. Gary Oldman was stellar in his performance as the world-weary, retired MI6 agent. Benedict Cumberbatch was, of course, brilliant as Peter Gulliam, Gary Oldman's protege. I can't help smiling seeing him act in a completely different role. The cinematography is lovely as well, since this was supposed to be in the Cold War period.
I've never read the book by John le Carre before and it was because of Benedict Cumberbatch that I was even interested in this film. I know, I sounded shallow. But sometimes, one need incentives to start something. I am very much "involved" in Sherlock fandom right now and I do find the men of Sherlock very attractive, hence, it is my goal to catch as many of their productions as possible. TTSS just happen to come along and is the most recent production that features the leading character.
As for a M18 rating, Singapore set a too-high bar for it. Sexual scenes? I think they meant sexual scene, as in one. And for that matter, it wasn't even in-your-face. If the M18 rating has to account for anything, I would say it's for the bad language and the few scenes of "gore". I felt more uncomfortable watching blood being splattered than the supposedly "sex".
I'm happy that I managed to get a friend to watch it with me because it is difficult to find people who can appreciate sophisticated films. It's true. Many would think that it's money wasted if there isn't action scenes in it. Why would one want to fall asleep in the cinema? Therefore, it came as no surprise when the demographics in the small theatre leaned towards older Caucasians.
Overall, it is definitely worth it and I will be more inclinced to give new films a try the next time.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Singapore Airshow 2012

On Saturday, together with my father and brother, I went to the biannual Singapore Airshow 2012 at Changi Exhibition Centre. I'm not a plane enthusiast per say and I have my own reasons for wanting to go. I've been hearing stories about how there will be lots of souvenirs and giveaways from the different exhibitors and so, being the enthusiast in all things knick-knack, I naturally cannot miss out this opportunity.
It was raining quite heavily on the way there and I was praying so hard for it to stop so that we can fully enjoy the afternoon. Thankfully, it did stop raining when we arrived. We parked the car at Terminal 3 and went to the shuttle buses area. I was pleasantly surprised by how efficient the service was. There was almost a continuous supply of SMRT buses ferrying the passengers to and fro. As a result, the bus we took was not very crowded which is great.
Maybe it was the rain, or maybe it was in the afternoon, but it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I did enjoy it though, because it means that we have more personal space.
The aerial show display was the highlight, of course. I managed to snap some pretty pictures of the RSAF display and my favourite, the Australia Roulettes. Again, thanks heavens that the rain stopped just in time for the flying display.
We didn't have any chance to go up to the Singapore Airlines Boeing 747 or any of the planes on display because the queues were simply too long. The exhibition hall was really huge and it was a pity that I didn't manage to collect lots of souvenirs. I did get one collar-pin though.
As the event came to a close, we went to the merchandise booth and I bought the mascot toy after some deliberation.
It was a wonderful day and I looked forward to the show in 2014, only this time, I want to be there throughout the day to fully enjoy the event.
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