I think enough have been said on the news whereby CBS decided to change John Watson into a Joan Watson with the recent casting for their re-make of Sherlock Holmes set in modern time, in New York no less.
We'll see whether this remake will flop or not, won't we? If it does, Sherlock fans will be laughing. If it doesn't, then it's all fine. It's not as if the BBC original version pales in comparison or will lose their revenue to them. The BBC version will always be in the hearts and minds of devoted fans.
The first thing I thought of when the cast was announced was "wow, it's like fanfiction coming true". They even used the first name, Joan, which is what most fanfic writers go for when they create a female Watson.
The demographics has already shifted 180 degrees. From what I've seen, this programme will be targeted at more conservative, older Americans who will frown at a platonic bromance or any underling sexual tension, so as to speak.
Like so many other Sherlock fans, I do find it atrocious and silly, on so many levels of wrong basically but I doubt I will be getting myself up in a tizzy over it. This post is more for my reference than for anything else.
Of all the direction for originality the team could take, they choose this. Many people have said that it was because they and the audience couldn't deal with any sort of ambiguous relationship that may arise between Holmes and Watson. To make it more acceptable to the general public, they made this radical move.
Why must people always be afraid of homosexual undertones that everything has to become heterosexual just to have a romance?
I've seen a great quote somewhere that goes something like this, "it is easier to fake sexual chemistry than platonic chemistry" which is quite true. By having a female Watson, it changes everything. The possibility of a romantic relationship between Holmes and female Watson will almost be cemented, won't it?
Furthermore, it just spoils the direction Arthur Conan Doyle took with his books. The whole essence of Sherlock Holmes is the friendship and loyalty between Sherlock and John, two housemates with two very different personalities. The relationship dynamics between the two is crucial in the development.
I will probably try it out for the laughs provided I could access the programme in the first place. If it's really funny and ridiculous as people made it out to be, it will be more fun.
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