Thursday, January 08, 2009


To update on the more mundane aspect of my life.

Received my marketing and MacroEcons marks. I got a 33/50 for Marketing and 96.5/100 for MacroEcons.

Marketing marks was expected. What can I expect when I just studied on the day itself? Moreover, Marketing is not my cup of tea.

MacroEcons came as a surprise. I really did not foresee that. I was still thinking I got this question and that question wronged. Wow, if I can keep this up for end-semester exam, it'll be great.

Chinese New Year is coming. But before that, there are many obstacles to pass. Projects to hand in, tests to be completed, etc.

Today and 9th and 10th is TP's open house. One year had past since I went for the open house in 2008.

Anyway, my friends and I were joking about pretending to be Secondary school students. We went to visit the other schools' diploma courses. We got mistaken for Secondary school students for a few times. There were so many people about.

Today is a great day. Taylor Lautner is staying on! Looking forward to seeing him protraying Jacob in New Moon. It will be just fine.

Christ Weitz, thank you for letting Lautner stay. You make the obvious choice. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer too. For thinking Lautner will be a perfect Jacob.


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