Monday, February 23, 2009

OB end-semester exam

Done with OB.

It was a killer. So now, OB stands for Obviously Bu******.

I can't say I never tried my best, neither can I say I tried my best. Obviously I can study it better or concentrate better, but at least I sort of did my best.

I forgot some things here and there. The MCQs were so difficult. I'm always left with 2 choices, both seemed right, it's just which one is more correct than the other. Argh...

I totally forgot what is the strategies to solve conflict and 3 situational factors that affect a leader's behaviour. The latter which I did not study at all.

Ah well, it's gone. I won't have to touch OB again. I was so angry that I have a mind to tear the paper. The best thing is, I won't have to see my answers. At least, there is some consolation to this mess.

Goodbye OB, we ended at a sour note. *There goes my chance of acquiring an A. I hope my B/B+ is still intact.*

Business Statistics tomorrow. It should be well. But I dare not think positive, or else it will be jinxed.

BA2 and Marketing, another killer. Oh joy...

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