Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grades for Sem 1.2

3 cheers to me!

Received my Semester 1.2 results today. Holy crow!

Shockingly, I got B+ for Marketing. Woah, what was that? I was still praying, "Not C".

B for OB and Accounting 2. What can I say? I deserved that grade, no more, no less. My accounting skills are atrocious, not to mention, I've been so careless. As for OB, there's nothing much to say.

A for Business Statistics and MacroEconomics. I'm happy and if I get anything less, I might just go and bang my head on the wall. Both are my "pet" subjects and I expect myself to do well in them.

Z for French! Now, that's something to cheer about! I'm really, really pleased with it. I know I'm going to get A, but a distinction, never. I dreamt about it but didn't have much confidence that I will get it.

My GPA for Semester 1.2 is 3.56. Oh well, a little far off from 3.7 in Semester 1.1. Overall, I'm happy and nearly screamed when I saw the grades. That's how glad I am.

PS: Taking French was the best thing that happened to me. I love the language and in return, give me a good grade.

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