Feeling rather melancholy and depressed these few days. It must be the fact the school will be reopening soon... Gone with the wind are the holidays.
Why do I, do I love ... holidays? Because I don't have heavy responsibilities, I don't have to answer to myself or to others. I can laze around and be myself. I can read when I feel like it. I can do what I like, when I like.
With school comes responsibilities. I don't have much chance to read or use the laptop for purely entertainment purposes. I have to stress myself over projects and tests and what not. I came back home each day feeling worse for wear.
Urgh... Words can't describe how I feel. It's like suffocation. I just wish this feeling would pass.
Frankly, I don't see why is going to school so exciting. Perhaps I operate on a different wavelength from others. As it never cross my mind to think about school that way. To me, it's an obligation and the answer. However, I would like to continue with University.
Or maybe its because of the exciting things happening without me? Reading all those news about the Wizarding World makes me depressed too.
Whatever is going on with me, it better pass. I have to get myself together as I storm through my senior year. Then it's good riddance.
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