Wednesday, June 16, 2010


In my other life, I seem to have remembered these familiar faces. The faces of teachers who had taught me and whom I esteemed.

However, with the pass of time, my memories of them become fuzzy. I cling tightly to these memories because they are of the best in my schooling life. The upper secondary period is something I treasured most, now that O levels was a thing behind.

It's not that I don't like my school life now. It's just it is not up there on my list. There are some aspects which I like. I guess that when graduation comes, I will only look back with fond memories.

On another note, holidays, even short ones, are enough to make you forget about your other life. Other life being the life in school with dreadful projects.

Oh gods, I heard that people received their Direct Honours List already! I sincerely hope that on of these days, when the letterbox is opened, lo behold, the invitation will be waiting for me. Please, please, please...

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