I know I have been in hiatus for a week. I can't find the energy to do stuff, much less use my brains and type a post out.
Fridays are the worst. Thank God it's Friday? I doubt so. Ever since I signed myself up for work at night on Fridays, I have been thinking and thinking whether this is even a good choice to make in the first place.
I most certainly am not desperate enough to want to work for 2 hours on a Friday night to earn 10 bucks. I don't know how to explain, but let's just say I am doing a favour. The instructor is in need of people, so I go. The money is just an incentive.
If you think that working from 8 plus to 6pm then rushing to another workplace without even having time for a proper dinner is easy, think again. This is not the kind of life I find myself doing. I leave the house before the sun rises properly and only step into the house when the moon has long risen.
It's more than 12 hours of continuous working, no wonder my eyes feel sore. Gods, why am I doing this again?
No proper food makes me an irritated person.
I am thinking of not going for next Friday, since it will be the end of my internship, and I really want to celebrate it. We'll see how it goes, I suppose.
Another matter I want to rant on. Bus 58 is going to be the death of me, I thank the stars that I don't work at Ubi permanently. I am sure I'll go crazy by the month end.
It is peak period during the 6 o'clock rush hour. So I don't see the reasoning behind not deploring more buses out, especially since that place is an industrial area with only one bus service. I am sure that it will be better when the years are gone, but what about right now?!
It is stupid to wait for more than 30 minutes for one pathetic bus to take us 4 stops to the MRT station.
I know that it is useless to talk about it here. I should totally being this case up to LTA and SBS bus service about this useless system they are having. But, my rational is, I am not there for long anyway. It is just 5 more days for me and I'll not return.
Speaking of which, it's only 5 days away from freedom! The day I have ben waiting for is going to arrive! Like real soon!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie review

Cinematography (making of lighting and camera choices):
The scenes and backdrops are wonderful and gorgeous! I can almost feel like I am part of this, it will be so much better if this is in 3D.
Acting has definitely step up a few notches. The trio are exceptional great in this film and the supporting cast beef the whole movie up.
Daniel Radcliffe does not look and sound so wooden as compared to the previous films. He really did well this time.
Emma Watson really did a good job. The torture scene with Bellatrix is intense and very real. The viewer can almost feel her pain by her screams. Her interactions with Ron are amazing.
Rupert Grint surpasses himself in this one. He provides the comical relief and yet proves to be wonderful in those more intense scenes. I love him in during the fighting scene with Harry as this shows that he can perform in various circumstances.
Tom Felton has a minimum screen time but I like the close ups of his face, the fear and uncertainty shown was portrayed quite nicely.
Alan Rickman too has minimum screen time but fans joke that this is the film that he talks the most in that single scene at Malfoy Manor. I take heart that we will see more of him and his story in Part 2.
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldermort is awesome!
Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix She deserves the honour of bringing insanity to her character. Her character development is one of the strongest.
Bathilda Bagshot – She and her scene are too intense and scary. It was a job well done by her. She creeps me out when she changed into Nagini.
Bill Nighy (Scrimgeour) is good in his role, albeit a short one. I love the way he talks.
Peter Mullan (Yaxley) did a great job as the Death Eater who was chasing Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Special Effects:
Dobby and Kreacher are great in the film, especially Dobby! The effects are natural and feels complete.
As much as everything is taken into account, the book-to-movie adaption is one of the best.
As this is a 2 part adaption, there are a lot more room and time to put in scenes that make a difference. Despite the changes and cuts, I don’t feel that I am watching a different story altogether and that to a fan, is extremely important.
My favourite scenes?
The whole movie consists of great scenes put together which makes this such a beautiful movie. Below are scenes which I like. But, exceptionally well-done scenes are Bathilda Bagshot scene, Minstry scene, 7 Potters, silver doe scene, locket scene, Dobby dying scene.
First and foremost, the part when Hermione obliviate her parents were well done and shows the sacrifices she made to keep them safe.
The 7 Potters scene provides comic relief yet has a sinister undertone. And how can I forget the chase by the Death Eaters? It was all very fast and action-packed.
I like the wedding scene when Kingsley’s Patronus came in and warn them that the Death Eaters are coming.
The on-the-run scenes are very powerful and convey the realism and rawness that the trio felt when on the run.
The Ministry scene was well executed and proved to be quite true to the book. The addition of some light moments such as Harry-Runcorn stiff walking and Ron-Cattermole reactions were a nice touch. Yaxley chasing them finished the scene wonderfully.
Every single scene at Godric’s Hallows was great, from the finding of James and Lily’s tombstones to the laying of Christmas wreath to Bathilda Bagshot. It was very scary, heart-thumping and creepy. This is easily the most frightening and hair-raising scene out of the whole movie.
I like the way The Tale of the Three Brothers was done. The animations seem mysterious and like Warwick Davis said “very Tim Burton-esque like”.
The silver doe scene is one of the hot favourites of mine, it was one of the well-play scenes in the whole film. I love the soft bluish glow of the doe and Harry diving down into the icy lake to retrieve the sword. Of course, Voldemort-Harry and Voldemort-Hermione are too great in the locket scene! The wraith-like apparitions are truly Ron's nightmares.
I really love the torture scene with Bellatrix and Hermione. It was amazing and so tense. And how can we forget the pivotal point in the movie? Dobby’s dying is as touching and tear-wrenching as the one in the book. Except that Luna didn’t say her speech and there was no “Here lies Dobby, a free elf”.
The ending with Voldemort getting the Elder Wand is just and a good place to end part 1 and begin part 2. It provides the right sort of suspense to start part 2.
The score by Alexandre Desplat is good and suits the different scenes. Many fans who are passionate about scores of previous Harry Potter films said that Nicholas Hooper and John Williams did extremely well in the scores. I have to agree with them as Half-Blood Prince and the first two films are my favourites.
I feel that the score is good but the focal point will on the last film as the battle intensifies and climax is neared.
Bad points:
Wormtail did not die! Need I say more? This is one of the biggest deviations from the book.
Kreacher telling of the locket story can be improved so much more.
There were other minor scenes and details that were edited out but those were not as bad as to destry the whole movie.
Good points:
I love that they add in the scene where Hermione obliviate her parents and wipe out her existence in that household. I wish that they could do the same for Ron though. I would have loved to see the ghoul.
This movie places emphasis on Harry, Ron and Hermione relationship and dynamics which previous films neglect to do so or take for granted. Little details here and there do make a difference in presenting the friendship between the three.
I especially like the newly added scene which shows Harry cheering up Hermione by dancing with her. It is such as sweet scene.
As they travelled through various places, the names of the casualties being announced on the radio is a nice touch to the isolation and hopelessness they faced in the battle to save the magical world.
I like how the crew keep the funny scenes in and add in details from previous books which were missed out in the past. I also like how the scriptwriter lifted chunks of dialogue straight from the book.
Overall feel:
Overall, the movie is very enjoyable for fans because we know where everything is going, yet at the same time, as this is an adaptation, we are in for surprises as well.
I love the rawness of the film, the emotive and heavy scenes coupled with light-hearted moments here and there. It is intensive yet not too overwhelming. It is well balanced and viewers know for sure that this is no longer a children book but that there is a war on the horizon and everything has changed.
Of course, this movie tugs your heartstrings and manipulates your tear ducts.
This is easily one of the better films in this movie franchise. I LOOOVE, love, love it! If I thought that Half-Blood Prince was good, then this is ten times better than that.
Ever since Chamber of Secrets, I have all but lost hope that another Harry Potter film could follow the legacy of remaining faithful to the beloved book series. Is this my favourite movie? Perhaps, I need to watch it one more time to make sure I do. If not this, then the last one will be on the pedestal.
David Yates, David Heyman, and all the producers and crew behind this success ought to give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done. It was brillant, amazing, and fantastic!
If non-readers and the average movie-goer feels that they are missing out on a lot of things, they have to realise that the movies are targeting fans. Read the books before watching the movies, nuff said.
Yes, I do realise that Part 1 is a little tad boring for average people and some fans, but take note that this is just Part 1! The book is divided into two parts and it is a no-brainer that Part 1 will of course contains less thrills. Wait till you see the full movie, Part 1 and Part 2, before making a choice that you hate it.
david yates,
Deathly Hallows,
Harry Potter,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Magic is Might

One of the highest grossing movie franchises in the world, literally Warner Brothers' money tree.
Harry Potter has ignited a spark in the hearts of millions of readers and a passion that was lost for quite a while.
Harry Potter accompanied many during their childhood years and beyond, still many in their adult years. "He" makes worldwide readers and fans unite through the creation of fansites, world premieres and midnight parties.
Harry Potter is J.K.Rowling's gift to us and we pay tribute to her.
The movies are a god-send. Imagination is powerful, but having the scenes play out right in front of you, now that is something magical. Movies convert even more people, some to readers, fans, others just for fun of it.
It has been eight years now since I become a reader and a fan and I never look back. I cannot imagine a life without books, Harry Potter being one of those.
To admit, I even imagine what would happen if Hogwarts and the magical world is real when I was young. It is all childish dreams but it don’t hurt to dream and make good use of the brain.
How I wish I can be part of the student body at Hogwarts, drinking pumpkin juice, hanging out with friends at Hogsmeade, sleeping on a four poster bed, going for Potions class, having a wand, sending owls home, etc. With magic, some things can be made so easy. Of course, I would still choose technology over magic.
Those who are not fans or readers will not know what is so appealing about this series. They scoff at the ridiculous antics fans did and laugh at the devotion and passion we show. But what they didn't know is that they will never experience such a phenomenon.
To give them credit, perhaps some of them do not need such things in their lives. Perhaps they have "better" things to do. Perhaps, they don't even like reading and treat the movies as just another movie to watch for the year.
On the other side, Johnny-comes-latelys will not experience the anticipation of each book release, the countdowns, the speculations, the wonderful times fans alike shared on fansites. I am not saying they don’t deserve a share of the pie but those feelings of the past cannot be felt now.
All 7 books are now sold as a collection, a far cry from the past, when we had to build up our collection slowly. I would love that but it takes the pleasure out of it. Fans who got on the ride with Harry Potter since the start grow up with the young actors/actresses and the trio. We journeyed with them through the ups and downs of life and the magical world.
I am glad and blessed that I am considered one of the pioneers.
Harry Potter was and still is magical.
Harry Potter was and still is magical.
Though the flame of Harry Potter dims; it will never truly go out because fans will find ways to keep the spirit alive. All else worldly aside, memories will never fade.
I hope that my passion for the books/films will live on for many years to come. And even then, when I am feeling dull, there will the books to keep me company and let me relive the good ole days.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Justified For a Spilt

Not justifiable for a spilt? Truly, critics remain critics. Critics aren’t a smart lot if they still don’t get it after so many years. They apparently did not read the books or take the time to understand what the whole series is about. It is not about entertainment with ridiculous and redundant wit.
I love how someone says that critics do not have the emotion bond with the movies/books and thus, not know the concerns of fans. And another say critics hate movies loyal to the source.
Deathly Hallows Part 1 is just the start to an end. C’mon, it is meant to be dark, despairing, raw and angsty. It shows the hopelessness and frustrations 3 teenagers felt on their own, with secrets to bear and heavy burden on their shoulders.
A spilt is justify here because there are simply too many important scenes and details to be left out for a, at most, 3 hour movie. I think fans wouldn’t mind sitting through a 6 hour movie but industry standards don’t make it happen. So we have to settle for the next best thing, which is to spilt the movie.
Deathly Hallows will be great, perhaps it will be a little tad boring in Part 1 but part 2 is where all the action takes place. Can you imagine not splitting it? It will be like a story with giant holes in it because of all the cutting of scenes, like previous movies.
It has been my dream since forever to watch a movie that is faithful to the book. I don’t care about how artistic or action packed that movie is, to me, a movie is good when first and foremost, it fulfils the criteria of remaining faithful.
We, fans for so long, matter most when we say whether that movie is good or bad.
Fellow fans on mugglenet couldn't have put their words any better. Here are some choice comments: “in a way I am even more glad they didn't like it because they felt it was more of a literal adaptation than the last few films”, “I think we truly are the ones that matter in saying how good or bad the movie seemed to us. We've been on this journey with them for nearly a decade so I'm sure most of us will love that there is a split.”
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mutually Exclusive
I've been thinking a lot. Just to make it clear, having a good experience and having fodder to write for report is mutually exclusive with liking it. A more apt comparison would be, enjoying a good experience is mutually exclusive to having a good time.
Why do I make these two statements? I have been thinking about this internship for a long time.
I know it is about having a feel of the working world. I know it is not about money but the experience. I know it is about being at your best behaviour to please others so that they can write a good appraisal. I know all these and blah, blah, blah. I know all the political-correct answers. I know life is about entertaining people.
But, don't you think it is hassle and a chore to live for others' sake? Don't you think that sometimes you have to stand up for your rights and freedom of speech? Don't you think it is tiring to look at people's faces all the time and worry about the consequences?
I do and I did.
I mean, I don't say that this internship isn't good. I guess I have the better end of the deal, because I could have been sent to a worse company. But, this internship is killing me, I repeat, killing me.
I feel out-of-breath with the pace they are going. That event they are having is bogging me down. I can't even properly enjoy my movie due to that darned thing.
Why do I make these two statements? I have been thinking about this internship for a long time.
I know it is about having a feel of the working world. I know it is not about money but the experience. I know it is about being at your best behaviour to please others so that they can write a good appraisal. I know all these and blah, blah, blah. I know all the political-correct answers. I know life is about entertaining people.
But, don't you think it is hassle and a chore to live for others' sake? Don't you think that sometimes you have to stand up for your rights and freedom of speech? Don't you think it is tiring to look at people's faces all the time and worry about the consequences?
I do and I did.
I mean, I don't say that this internship isn't good. I guess I have the better end of the deal, because I could have been sent to a worse company. But, this internship is killing me, I repeat, killing me.
I feel out-of-breath with the pace they are going. That event they are having is bogging me down. I can't even properly enjoy my movie due to that darned thing.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
20 Questions
I realised I can pretty blunt and honest when I want to. Ha, it's quite embarrassing yet at the same time, gratifying, because I can speak the truth.
A colleague asked us if we are happy that the internship is coming to an end and instead of forced laughter, I replied with a simple "yes". I don't think it is insulting whatsoever, perhaps it's blunt but at least I feel sane.
I have enough of entertaining people through the days. I know I say that I can't lie to save myself, but I am always diplomatic, answering questions with diplomatic correct answers. Sometimes, I just have enough.
Therefore, when it comes to simple questions like this, I can only answer what I want to say. In fact, if it is without consequences, I would have say more. But, I won't go there. At least not now.
I know I am not happy but I am surprised it shows. Does it shows? Is it that obvious I am feeling rather wrong and out of tune? The boss asked me a mind-boggling question today. It seems like today is judgement day indeed.
He asked if I was feeling stressed and was I OK. To admit, I got a shock, because as far as I know, I didn't post anything that revealing on the facebook page. Come to think of it, I have to say no, I am still hanging there and since this is not a full time job anyway, I don't have to think about when I am home.
Am I stressed? I guess so. I am feeling under the weather lately. Is it because of the insane weather or because of the rushing up and down for work, I don't know for sure. It can be a combination of all these.
I am fortunate not to be directly involved in the event coming up. Phew. However, this means that I have to do all sorts of stuff. This internship is becoming more like a odd-job labourer.
Next week is a terrible week but I am glad that I've Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as an incentive. See? Now you get it why Harry Potter is so important in my life, because it keeps me going and never forsake me.
A colleague asked us if we are happy that the internship is coming to an end and instead of forced laughter, I replied with a simple "yes". I don't think it is insulting whatsoever, perhaps it's blunt but at least I feel sane.
I have enough of entertaining people through the days. I know I say that I can't lie to save myself, but I am always diplomatic, answering questions with diplomatic correct answers. Sometimes, I just have enough.
Therefore, when it comes to simple questions like this, I can only answer what I want to say. In fact, if it is without consequences, I would have say more. But, I won't go there. At least not now.
I know I am not happy but I am surprised it shows. Does it shows? Is it that obvious I am feeling rather wrong and out of tune? The boss asked me a mind-boggling question today. It seems like today is judgement day indeed.
He asked if I was feeling stressed and was I OK. To admit, I got a shock, because as far as I know, I didn't post anything that revealing on the facebook page. Come to think of it, I have to say no, I am still hanging there and since this is not a full time job anyway, I don't have to think about when I am home.
Am I stressed? I guess so. I am feeling under the weather lately. Is it because of the insane weather or because of the rushing up and down for work, I don't know for sure. It can be a combination of all these.
I am fortunate not to be directly involved in the event coming up. Phew. However, this means that I have to do all sorts of stuff. This internship is becoming more like a odd-job labourer.
Next week is a terrible week but I am glad that I've Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as an incentive. See? Now you get it why Harry Potter is so important in my life, because it keeps me going and never forsake me.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Nothing Worthy
Is it a good thing that sometimes I forget that I am in the middle of internship? I can't tell for sure. People may argue that it's too comfortable to even think of about but I beg to differ. All it means is that there is nothing worth remembering.
Whenever weekends or holidays come around, I will forget that internship or my workplace exists. When the whole thing is over, I hope to cleanly forget every, single thing.
It is not that I hate that place or its people. It's just that whenever I feel a hint of affection for it, I will be dealt with a major blow that ruin that image.
I can't wait till December the third comes around, because I know that I'll be free. Free from this horror. Whatever that comes next, I'll cross the bridge when I at it.
3 more weeks!
Whenever weekends or holidays come around, I will forget that internship or my workplace exists. When the whole thing is over, I hope to cleanly forget every, single thing.
It is not that I hate that place or its people. It's just that whenever I feel a hint of affection for it, I will be dealt with a major blow that ruin that image.
I can't wait till December the third comes around, because I know that I'll be free. Free from this horror. Whatever that comes next, I'll cross the bridge when I at it.
3 more weeks!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Hooray, hooray! I booked the tickets for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on Sunday!
It must be the first time that I managed to book tickets so early. I am pleased with myself though I am so afraid that my tight schedule would ruin things for me, not to mention my cousin and brothers.
Anyhoo, I am planning to go for another showing with my friends. This time, of course, I will have more choices.
GVmax is nearly full at the 7.00pm slot, I can't believe it! My first choice is GVmarina but the bad timings spoil it for me.
Finally, to mark the last 10 days to the premier, I'll end each post with a quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that I really like.
"The letter was an incredible treasure, proof that Lily Potter had lived, really lived, that her warm hand had once moved across this parchment, tracing ink into these letters, these words, words about him, Harry, her son." ~ Pg 150
It must be the first time that I managed to book tickets so early. I am pleased with myself though I am so afraid that my tight schedule would ruin things for me, not to mention my cousin and brothers.
Anyhoo, I am planning to go for another showing with my friends. This time, of course, I will have more choices.
GVmax is nearly full at the 7.00pm slot, I can't believe it! My first choice is GVmarina but the bad timings spoil it for me.
Finally, to mark the last 10 days to the premier, I'll end each post with a quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that I really like.
"The letter was an incredible treasure, proof that Lily Potter had lived, really lived, that her warm hand had once moved across this parchment, tracing ink into these letters, these words, words about him, Harry, her son." ~ Pg 150
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Advance Ticket Sales
No way! is my reaction when I saw that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows advance ticket sales is now on for Golden Village. How can it be?! Why am I so slow this time?!
For ages, I have lament over the slow updates of the theater. Now, it just caught me unaware! Darn it!
There are a couple of criteria I have when it comes to watching "movies of the year". For one, I have to be at Golden Village Marina or Vivocity. Another criteria is that I have to watch on that day itself, or settle for the next.
I hate the feeling of everyone watching that movie and waiting for my turn. Call it whatever you want, but it is just something I have strong feelings about. This is one characteristic of being a long-time fan, isn't it?
If I am situated at another country, say Britain or USA, I would have joined in with the midnight celebrations if given the chance.
Being in the middle of internship is a big blow to my plans, again. I can't watch the Deathly Hallows on the first timeslot available, and can only do it when evening comes along.
The timeslots on Thursday for GV Marina are so bad that I want to hurl. The only timing I can go for is 9.30pm and that, alas, is too late for me and my cousin.
Reluctantly, I want to settle for second best which is Friday, also 9 plus. Then, I saw an opening. There is a showing at 7.00pm on the opening night, at GVmax. I want to jump at this chance, of course. But I have to see my cousin's timing too.
The time will be very tight for me, but at most, I will cab down to the destination. It is a treat for myself, and all the troubles I put up for this past month or so. We'll see. I just hope that things will go my way and hopefully, I will book it tomorrow.
Now, you see, it's going to be worth it.
For ages, I have lament over the slow updates of the theater. Now, it just caught me unaware! Darn it!
There are a couple of criteria I have when it comes to watching "movies of the year". For one, I have to be at Golden Village Marina or Vivocity. Another criteria is that I have to watch on that day itself, or settle for the next.
I hate the feeling of everyone watching that movie and waiting for my turn. Call it whatever you want, but it is just something I have strong feelings about. This is one characteristic of being a long-time fan, isn't it?
If I am situated at another country, say Britain or USA, I would have joined in with the midnight celebrations if given the chance.
Being in the middle of internship is a big blow to my plans, again. I can't watch the Deathly Hallows on the first timeslot available, and can only do it when evening comes along.
The timeslots on Thursday for GV Marina are so bad that I want to hurl. The only timing I can go for is 9.30pm and that, alas, is too late for me and my cousin.
Reluctantly, I want to settle for second best which is Friday, also 9 plus. Then, I saw an opening. There is a showing at 7.00pm on the opening night, at GVmax. I want to jump at this chance, of course. But I have to see my cousin's timing too.
The time will be very tight for me, but at most, I will cab down to the destination. It is a treat for myself, and all the troubles I put up for this past month or so. We'll see. I just hope that things will go my way and hopefully, I will book it tomorrow.
Now, you see, it's going to be worth it.
Saturday Woes
Oh gods, today was worse than I thought.
I had fun over the last week and now it's payback time. The amount of homework from each child is that many and we had to mark all of them, today. There were only 3 of us left to finish the work. Bloody hell.
It's 8 hours of straight work for me, on a Saturday. I started at 9.27am and ended at 5.29pm. I saw this coming and my reaction is relatively numb over this.
At least, I got pay by the hour. Oh, why am I doing this anyway? I keep questioning myself. At least, I won't feel guilty over how I spend. And I know I need the cash, if I am going to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 at least twice.
Contrary to common belief, I do not do this just for the sake of money. Oh no, you can call me a chronic goody-two-shoes who is too responsible for her own good.
When I have to do something, I make sure I do it right. When something falls under my care, I have an obligation to make sure it works out right. That's how I am and I hate it. A recent example was the camera business. It's all in my previous post.
I am seriously in need of therapy. I need therapeutic shopping. Actually what I need is a good holiday, free and easy. All I want is to relax and relive, is that too much to ask?
I don't know which one of the two jobs I have now is worse. I can only console myself that regardless of what, jobs are temporary. If you hate it that much, shove it.
Anyhoo, the thought of fulfilling my goal is comforting.
I had fun over the last week and now it's payback time. The amount of homework from each child is that many and we had to mark all of them, today. There were only 3 of us left to finish the work. Bloody hell.
It's 8 hours of straight work for me, on a Saturday. I started at 9.27am and ended at 5.29pm. I saw this coming and my reaction is relatively numb over this.
At least, I got pay by the hour. Oh, why am I doing this anyway? I keep questioning myself. At least, I won't feel guilty over how I spend. And I know I need the cash, if I am going to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 at least twice.
Contrary to common belief, I do not do this just for the sake of money. Oh no, you can call me a chronic goody-two-shoes who is too responsible for her own good.
When I have to do something, I make sure I do it right. When something falls under my care, I have an obligation to make sure it works out right. That's how I am and I hate it. A recent example was the camera business. It's all in my previous post.
I am seriously in need of therapy. I need therapeutic shopping. Actually what I need is a good holiday, free and easy. All I want is to relax and relive, is that too much to ask?
I don't know which one of the two jobs I have now is worse. I can only console myself that regardless of what, jobs are temporary. If you hate it that much, shove it.
Anyhoo, the thought of fulfilling my goal is comforting.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Too Good For My Own Good
I'm too pure and good for my own good. Why am I making this statement? Because I feel awful and guilty conscious over something like this. I feel like a little child, with hands caught in the cookie jar.
I was a facilitator for today as well. I went to QiHua Primary School with the trainer and that programme was supposed to end at 3.30pm. Therefore, I was in a dilemma over whether I should go back to the office. By right, this is what the office staff told me, I should because there is still time.
But, it is quite obvious that it is a no-brainer for me to return to office at such a late hour, only to go home a few minutes later, right? I fretted over this and turned this situation in my mind over and over again. It bothered me to bits.
In the end, because of the timing, I stuck with my common sense and went home, not before informing everyone in the office of course. If it wasn't for the camera, I wouldn't have worry so much actually.
Now you see, I can't be a Slytherin. My conscience prickles me if I ever thought of doing something easy and good for myself.
With the assurance from my boss, gods, I feel so much better and at ease now. I can't believe myself, why?! Perhaps with exposure comes experience. I sure hope that I can be street smart and wise the older I get. I can't imagine being like this forever.
I was bothered by the camera business. The camera ran out of battery and they had to use it on Saturday. I promised I would bring it back on Friday but now I had to make sure it was charged. This was the stupidest thing I ever thought of doing. I planned on waiting for the camera to finish charging before going home.
This was actually a very long story and nasty business. Fortunately, it turned out so much better than I expected, with there being an extra battery and the boss in the office on a public holiday (he practically lives there).
I was a facilitator for today as well. I went to QiHua Primary School with the trainer and that programme was supposed to end at 3.30pm. Therefore, I was in a dilemma over whether I should go back to the office. By right, this is what the office staff told me, I should because there is still time.
But, it is quite obvious that it is a no-brainer for me to return to office at such a late hour, only to go home a few minutes later, right? I fretted over this and turned this situation in my mind over and over again. It bothered me to bits.
In the end, because of the timing, I stuck with my common sense and went home, not before informing everyone in the office of course. If it wasn't for the camera, I wouldn't have worry so much actually.
Now you see, I can't be a Slytherin. My conscience prickles me if I ever thought of doing something easy and good for myself.
With the assurance from my boss, gods, I feel so much better and at ease now. I can't believe myself, why?! Perhaps with exposure comes experience. I sure hope that I can be street smart and wise the older I get. I can't imagine being like this forever.
I was bothered by the camera business. The camera ran out of battery and they had to use it on Saturday. I promised I would bring it back on Friday but now I had to make sure it was charged. This was the stupidest thing I ever thought of doing. I planned on waiting for the camera to finish charging before going home.
This was actually a very long story and nasty business. Fortunately, it turned out so much better than I expected, with there being an extra battery and the boss in the office on a public holiday (he practically lives there).
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Bad Start
This week is a bad start of November. I should have known better than to get out of bed.
On Monday, I don't have to report to the workplace but had to go to 2 schools instead. I was to be the stand-in facilitator as they cannot find any SMU students for it.
It wasn't fun, as per say, but I wouldn't mind doing this once in a while. As I am still a newbie, they practically throw me to the sharks, I sit around and make myself useful from time to time. Otherwise, I just took photographs of the on-goings.
There is no briefing for us interns, as we are their last resort. I didn't know what to do or to expect. I am not good with students or children, and I am quite "wooden" in a way.
It was so awkward as the students greeted me with a salutation or "teacher". I mean, c'mon, I am barely older than them, especially the secondary school students. It is mushy and weird to put a label to my name.
Certainly, this is an eye-opener for me and this is what I want to experience during the course of this internship. This is fodder for my report, to be frank. I have a lot to write about this and of course, writing it down here just means that it will be so much easier for me when I start on the report.
I went to red-dot museum with Bartley students on Monday. At first, I thought that it will be fun, as I can get to enjoy a field-trip. Alas, there wasn't much to see at the museum, the 'normal' students lost interest after a while and even I can't really appreciate the designs.
Thankfully, I got to go home early after the programme ended at QiHua Primary School.
I already feel sick, rushing here and there. Still, I thank my lucky stars that so far, I did not encounter any real problems finding the different schools. I had brushes with bad luck, but still, everything went quite well. I hope to continue riding on this wave, until the end of this internship.
Today, it wasn't a good day from the start. When I was waiting for the MRT, I received this SMS that I or the other intern has to report to Bartley Secondary because the original facilitator couldn't make it. Internally, I groaned. Why did I have a bad feeling that something like this will occur?
In the end, I had to go. I was prepared to be late anyway, and should there be a need for me to take a cab, they better pay it for me.
I wasn't very late and those students are getting on my nerves. I can't take rowdy and boisterous people and this is exactly what those 'normal' students are. They fooled around and cannot sit still to listen. Even the trainer is at wits end.
This week, it's same-old for me, all I can say is, thank goodness the week ends on Thursday. I have never been so grateful for a public holiday until now.
On Monday, I don't have to report to the workplace but had to go to 2 schools instead. I was to be the stand-in facilitator as they cannot find any SMU students for it.
It wasn't fun, as per say, but I wouldn't mind doing this once in a while. As I am still a newbie, they practically throw me to the sharks, I sit around and make myself useful from time to time. Otherwise, I just took photographs of the on-goings.
There is no briefing for us interns, as we are their last resort. I didn't know what to do or to expect. I am not good with students or children, and I am quite "wooden" in a way.
It was so awkward as the students greeted me with a salutation or "teacher". I mean, c'mon, I am barely older than them, especially the secondary school students. It is mushy and weird to put a label to my name.
Certainly, this is an eye-opener for me and this is what I want to experience during the course of this internship. This is fodder for my report, to be frank. I have a lot to write about this and of course, writing it down here just means that it will be so much easier for me when I start on the report.
I went to red-dot museum with Bartley students on Monday. At first, I thought that it will be fun, as I can get to enjoy a field-trip. Alas, there wasn't much to see at the museum, the 'normal' students lost interest after a while and even I can't really appreciate the designs.
Thankfully, I got to go home early after the programme ended at QiHua Primary School.
I already feel sick, rushing here and there. Still, I thank my lucky stars that so far, I did not encounter any real problems finding the different schools. I had brushes with bad luck, but still, everything went quite well. I hope to continue riding on this wave, until the end of this internship.
Today, it wasn't a good day from the start. When I was waiting for the MRT, I received this SMS that I or the other intern has to report to Bartley Secondary because the original facilitator couldn't make it. Internally, I groaned. Why did I have a bad feeling that something like this will occur?
In the end, I had to go. I was prepared to be late anyway, and should there be a need for me to take a cab, they better pay it for me.
I wasn't very late and those students are getting on my nerves. I can't take rowdy and boisterous people and this is exactly what those 'normal' students are. They fooled around and cannot sit still to listen. Even the trainer is at wits end.
This week, it's same-old for me, all I can say is, thank goodness the week ends on Thursday. I have never been so grateful for a public holiday until now.
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