Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Wish: USA

Ok, I really, really want to go to USA once I graduated from Poly. Like seriously.

I have been looking forward to this trip since last year and have save quite a sum for it. All the money I earn from my work and internship are in the bank, waiting to be spent.

It's now or never. I don't mean for it to sound so morbid but it's true. This is a good time to just "let down my hair" and be sinful for a couple of weeks. You would think that after more than 13 years of schooling and stress, I deserve that two weeks vacation.

Anyway, I am not intending to use the parents' money for this trip. Everything will come from my own pocket and it will be sweet.

When will I ever get the time and spirit to truly enjoy myself again? University is not going to be a blast and it only means more stress to come once the term starts. After that, perhaps there will be time for a graduation trip and then it's out to the working world.

And you know what happens when you have a real job - no more holidays! All you get are public holidays and 14 days of leave. But when you are old, going on a trip seems to be a drag?

Recently, I and a couple of friends were lamenting how difficult Life is. Truly, when you are this young, with a long future in front of you, you have to wonder how to make it right.

To project it to the future, how can we cramp University, work and getting hitched into the 10 years before hitting 30? To me, 30 is considered old, in a way. As a friend puts it, by 30, she wants to accomplish something.

Well, well, well. I guess I'm glad that I am not the only one getting all jittery and suffering from what is coined "quarter-life crisis". I used to think I worry and want too much. I am not really to grow up and be an Adult. I am responsible, yes, but to tackle all these issues, gods, I have no confidence in myself, at all.

So what now? I can always go to Orlando during the year, but there is nothing to cheer about. I am planning to use this trip to reward myself for all these years in school and all that jazz. Now, the plans seem to go down into the drain, and I don't know how to salvage it.

The big problem here is NO ONE can accompany me. It is too expensive, for one. And with me having no confidence to make this trip alone, I have no idea how to pull this off. Countless of people travel by themselves daily, I don't see why I can't do it. And what with the distance being so far away, I need someone by my side!

I can go to LA, but there is no one to accompany me to Orlando, Florida and this is the crucial part of this trip. It may sounds silly a reason to make this trip because of the Wizarding World but I don't see why can't I enjoy what I want.

I still wish I can make it. This will be the greatest thing I done for myself. I hope that somehow, I can go there, even if it's only one or two days in Orlando.

I want to shop till I drop too. Shop and sightsee, oh please. I can always find my friend in LA and then travel to Orlando by myself and stay inside Universal Studios where it is deem safer. The only downside is that I won't be able to venture outside of Universal Studios.

Truth is, I only have enough to make this one trip, and make it memorable I shall. After that, it's saving all the way till I can go for my University graduation trip.

There is simply no second chance. This is why I am in such a dilemma. I want to seriously enjoy myself, do the things I want and plan to do. If there is a compromise, it depends on what it shall be.

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