Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Surviving March

These past few days have been horrible. My aim is to survive March first before thinking about April.

I've been going to school in the morning and coming back home in the late afternoons for 3 consecutive days. I've never been this weary before.

This Friday, I will bid goodbye to one of the projects and hopefully, scored a good grade for it because it has been plain tiring doing it. This is definitely one of the most annoying projects I did so far. It get even worse with less than stellar group members.

Next Friday, I will hand up my last project which is also a pain to complete. Up till now, we are still entering data. I can't believe it.

What these 2 projects have in common is that they are vague. It's free rein and you have to come up with the scope yourself. Perhaps for some people, this comes as a blessing as one can be creative. This is true for me in Poly, we can set up whatever business you want and justify it. But not so in University.

One thing I realise about University modules is that they are so research-based and boring as h***. Nothing fascinates me. Yes, professors dedicate their time on researches to make this world a better base but I find it so stuffy and academic (in the bad way).

Sigh, talking about my "past life" makes me sad. Would it be better if I'd just choose a different path or will it be worse? I would never know since I can't travel back. But, you've got your troubles and I've got mine. So, let's not say whether my grousing and complaints are justifiable.

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