Friday, April 13, 2012


It's the last day of the semester which means that I'm one week away from the final examinations. The bad thing being I've been procrastinating for the past 2 weeks.

Can I freak out now? Exams never fail to send me into hyperventilation despite more than a decade of so-called "experience" in it. Things change, people change.

In fact, the older one gets, the higher one climbs, the further one will fall and the higher the stakes are. In primary and secondary schools, the worst scenario a student can get is get a red mark in the report card. You still get to carry on. Honestly, I can't imagine the disgrace if you fail in University. You could be kick out, for goodness sake!

I made a sane choice to go for 4 modules this semester. It hardly matters than I am prolonging my stay in the University for half a year. Oh well, the deal has always been 3 years, and thus, 3 years it shall be. As for Honours, I don't even want to think about it now because I have no great aspirations at this junction.

In Poly, I was constantly driven by the want and need to do exceptionally well because I have to get into a University. I simply cannot imagine myself working full-time so soon. Having a degree means the world to me, not only does it looks good (for the family and I), it also means higher pay.

In terms of workload, this semester is relatively lighter than last semester. I admit that I slack through the first half of the semester. I'm feeling the guilt now.

I made the wrong choice by choosing Water and the Environment. Seriously, the maths and calculations portion is a turn-off. I can't believe the bane of my existence has come to haunt me in this form. Why in the world would I want to know how to do integration?! Oh god, I am going to die over this exam! It's only 40% which means that I should aim to pass, that's all. I simply cannot wait to get it over and done with. Good riddance to rubbish.

Sometimes, I couldn't help but to wish that I have talents in other areas. That way, I wouldn't have to put all my hopes into one basket. I wouldn't have to put so much heart and mind into academics and what rot. I'm not that artistic, musical or even athletic. I don't even like sports.

I'm ordinary. "You're ordinary" as Moriarty scoffed at Sherlock.

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