Sunday, November 30, 2008
The world & 17th quote
Speaking of which, what has the world become? I really don't understand.
Actually, I've an epiphany.
To go straight to the point, we are all living on this earth, a planet, who depends on the sun for survival. Let's say, the sun "went out", what's all our "artificial" problems compared to this? Yes, artificial, who create all these unneccessary problems? Us, human beings.
We're all going to die, so why trouble ourselves with all these?
The world will be a better place without all these man-made problems (financial crisis, terrorism, wars, food poisoning, etc). With a little understanding and giving from each other, these don't have to exist at all.
If only our hearts and minds can be not so narrowed plus having a little social responsibility...
My mother said I've seen the light and should probably join some religious group, haha. Now, if only more people can see the light too...
Oh well, I would like to quote someone: "If I can my part, so can you".
17th quote:
“So what you’re saying is, I’m your brand of heroin?”
“Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin.” ~Twilight, Pg 268, paperback
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Quiz? & 18th quote
The rules & regulations:
1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tagging back.
Here goes, (in no particular order)
1st. I feel that I'm not good enough in many areas, especially in studies. I think myself as average or below average. I envy people sometimes for their brains, be it at maths or memorising stuff.
2nd. I sing (and remember the lyrics too), just not in the presence of people. There's something awkward in singing in the presence of people. That's why I don't like to go K-box.
3rd. I'm passionate and protective about the things I love. Books for example.
4th. I'm very fussy, especially in food. No garlic please, that's the golden rule.
5th. The Twilight saga is the first ever series that I have so much love for, and the times I read the 4 books is more than the times I read the 7 Harry Potter books (which is a lot).
6th. Sometimes, I make wrong decisions. I regret my decisions, a lot of times...
7th. 95% of the time, I'm an OK and mild-tempered sort of person. Don't cross me though, it won't be pretty. I can hold grudges.
8th. I'm very in-tune with my feelings and inner-self. Many times, my heart rules over my brain. I'm emotional and my tear ducts are overactive. I can cry when I read novels, listen to music and/or watch movies.
9th. My words are louder than my actions. Mid-semester tests are coming and though I'm worried, I've not started revision.
10th. Hope that guys like Edward, Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle exist in real life. A girl can dream, can't she?
To conclude, I'm a very complex person with a very complex personality. There are more to that list, obviously. Actually don't mind the 10th answer, I just wanted to put that down, for whatever reason.
18th quote:
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...”
“What a stupid lamb.”
“What a sick, masochistic lion.” ~Twilight, Pg 274, paperback
Friday, November 28, 2008
What the...
Zzz, what's wrong with it anyway? My desktop can access my blog but my account in laptop can't. Great, just great. I can't scroll up or down at all.
Library & 19th quote
No worries though, I wrote a draft on Microsoft Word, once I got the chance to send the email, I will do so. Looking forward to see what the management would come up with.
"Indeed, the library is now more spacious and has more shelves, particularly in the adult fiction section. However, what is the use of these shelves when they are barely occupied? The lack of books is one big issue the management must look into." Sounds good? This is just one part of my letter.
Is the problem due to it being newly opened? But, it had already been weeks since it opened, so unless the staff's effectiveness is that slow in sorting the books, there should be no reason for this. Is the problem due to the books being on loan? If it is, then the management should considered acquiring more of these popular books. I've raise these issues in my email.
No use of the library being so new and nice with comfy chairs and good environment when the most important aspect of a library is missing.
Don't tell me I've got to "reserve" every book I want. Like I said before, if I want a book that badly, I'll gladly go and buy it myself. But, in this circumstance, it is different. I would just read the books one time and that's it. Waste of money and resources...
Gah, really, really angry. I gave the library a chance to work on it and yet nothing seem to happen. Even worse, the authors whom I borrowed books from in the 1st time were all gone.
19th quote:
"Enough for forever" ~Twilight, pg 498, paperback
PS: Another realisation. I think I'll put up quotes from Twilight book only until 18th Dec, then I'll continue to put up quotes from New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, if any. There are way too many beautiful quotes from Twilight itself. I think, Twilight is the book with the most number of quotable quotes.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Updates & 20th quote
Stayed for 5 hours in school today because the lecture starts at 6pm. What was I doing? Copying notes, doing Business Stats and Business Accounting tutorials (it was difficult) and finishing my long overdue book. This was one of the longest time I took to finish a book.
Mid-semester tests are coming. 1 more week of revision. I've not started on anything and yet still put my priorities in the wrong place. What's wrong with me?
Later, I got to do my OB quiz. 20 MCQs in 25 minutes, with reference to the notes.
20th quote from Twilight saga:
"Twilight again, Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end."
PS: I've realised that there are obviously more lovely and meaningful quotes from the Twilight saga than the 20 I'm going to put here. Way too many... So, will have to see if I'll continue putting them after 18th December. But, since it will be holiday then, I'll have more time to look for them.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Updates & Twilight stuff
Firstly, happy belated birthday to my youngest brother. Bought the cake on Sunday: chocolate obsession from Four Leaves. It's my favourite and I'm going to have it for my birthday.
Secondly, French listening and writing tests were today. Before, I thought the listening test will be easier but it did not seem that way. I had a feeling I mixed up "quatre" and "cinq", which is four and five in English. Also, my alphabet is not that good afterall. Imagine that.
The writing test was easier, I supposed. Although, I knew that I got some questions wrong. One of which was "Tu as un frere?" I wrote "Non, je n'ai pas un frere" when it should be "Non, je n'ai pas de frere". But overall, should be quite OK.
Thirdly, we didn't have marketing tutorial on Monday (24th Nov) as we were supposed to do a field study. So, my group met up at Tampines Mall's Popular bookstore to look for information on 3M Post-it flag highlighter. However, there wasn't any stock there.
Oh, and I saw a big poster of Twilight movie at Times. Haha, if I'm with my cousins, I'll surely take a picture with it.
We took a bus to Hougang Mall. We found a few flag highlighters and took pictures of them and did our work. We decided not to return to school for marketing lecture as it was quite late and it'll be very boring. Furthermore, no other groups were going. Had our lunch and went home.
That's about it.
Now, Twilight movie will be advertise on the bodies of some buses. Wow, I hope I'm lucky enough to spot one.
To get into the Twilight spirit, I have put up Twilight cast picture as my laptop wallpaper. It is so beautiful and it is the picture I wanted. Actually, I found that picture from a few sources but it's either too small or the resolution is not good. I'm using 1280 x 800 as my wallpaper size.
I've thought of editing it, perhaps a little, to give me the effect I wanted. The phrase "I'm with the vampires, of course" will be perfect.
Tomorrow, in counting down 20 days to Twilight movie, I'll putting up quotable quotes from the Twilight saga ( hopefully everyday) and maybe have more 'ramblings and thoughts' regarding Twilight-related stuff. I need to find topics before I can type, of course.
Monday, November 24, 2008
A moment of ranting
If anything, teen girls is an excellent market to tap into. Why else is there so many things in the market targeting at young and teen girls?
From one media : "well it's just women, that's not going to make money." Oh right, just take a look at a shopping mall for example, how many stores can you find that sell stuff to women?
Now, compare those to "man" stores. I can assure you the difference is very big.
Never doubt a woman's spending power. Even car manufacturers are shifting towards catering female buyers.
I do wonder who are behind all these negative remarks. From the report in Life!, both positive and negative comments were made by adult males. It is obvious that they are not cut out to be marketers. How can you be one when you don't even know the world's market is changing?
I've nothing against the person who commented positively, but what he said was a little too stereotyping : " I'm not now nor have I ever been a 13-year-old girl, but Twilight made me wish I could be..." How could people just assume that way?
When Twilight open in Singapore, I'll be going to watch it with my cousins and my 12-year-old brother.
Males who read and love Twilight are greatly respected by Twilighters. There's also a website ( created by moms who read Twilight. One's got to be 20+ onwards and a mom before joining.
Let say Twilight's debut of US$70.6 million is all because of teen girls and women. We should be very proud then. But, that is not the truth, of course.
Kudos to those who contributed to this amount. From what I saw, people of all ages : men, boyfriends, husbands, children, teenagers, mothers, women, etc, saw Twilight during its opening weekend. That should destroy the stereotyping.
Don't worry too much if the earnings for Twilight drop a little. Mostly, it's due to people who want to take their time in seeing the movie, like my friend in US. I can imagine how noisy and full the theater was on the opening night.
Twilight will do very well, no thanks to those who doubt it.
Right, just having a moment here.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New Moon is official!
New Moon as a movie is official!!
Hooray!! This time, with a bigger budget and more experience, it's going to be greater than ever. See here: and here
Also, this will mean that Eclipse will most probably get a chance. As long as Eclipse is out, everything is pretty alright to me.
Although Jacob is not one of my top favourite characters, he is still likable. In NM, he will be promoted as the lead character.
I'm looking forward to see the relationship between Bella and Jacob. Not forgetting, the werewolves or better yet, shapeshifters, Quileute tribe, Bella in her zombie-state, Edward in his depressed-state, the disastrous birthday celebration, Volturi: Aro, Caius, Marcus, Edward and Bella back together again, Alice and her stolen yellow Porsche, etc.
NM may not be my favourite book but many of my favourite scenes are in it.
At least, there's something to look forward from 2009 onwards.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twilight news
From what the comments are liked, it boils down to 2 things: it is hilarious and it is not as good as it should have been.
Hilarious? No movie should be hilarious unless it's comedy-based. That's why my love for Harry Potter movies takes a tumble after POA was out.
Twilight is NOT supposed to be funny. Why are people even laughing?? I've a feeling that it's because they are so thrilled to finally see Pattinson as Edward on the screen. I don't know...
Maybe, I should only watch the movie after it's out for a few days... But perhaps Singapore won't have it worst. I really need to cross my fingers on no fans screaming when Pattinson shows himself.
People also commented that the movie is not as good as it should have been. I can understand this part. Summit Entertainment works on a tight budget and this is the beginning. I also know that NO movie adaptation from a book will be perfect. There will be scenes that are better left for the brain to conjure up or up to one's imagination.
I think the problem is that, Twilight always has a special place in our hearts/dear to us. When something foreign comes along, we will automatically repelled it. We'll always compared it to the original, which is the book.
Oh my, I wanted to comment on the movie too. Please let the month speed past. Let it be 18th December soon.
My cousin had an idea, we'll go for the 1st screening of Twilight on 18th Dec. That way, the theater will not be fill with too many people, especially other fans. Sounds good to me.
And one more thing, yahoo has news on Twilight movie. Again, I probably shouldn't read anything there since there will bound to be "critics" and hurtful comments.Friday, November 21, 2008
What was supposed to happen
The day where Harry Potter and HBP is supposed to be released in theaters.
The day where Twilight the movie moves up to this slot from its original date in December.
The day where I was leave hanging.
Too bad, it's not happening in Singapore... It's really anti-climax for me. Give me a chance and I'll fly over to US to catch Twilight.
I probably shouldn't visit or any other twilight-related website until I watch the movie. But, easier said than done, the temptation is just too great.
According to some people, the movie is great but not perfect. God, I can only hope that I'm not disappointed. I wished hard that the fantasy will look absolutely wonderful on the screen. The backdrops/background, the characters, the plot, the whole feeling...
I know I shouldn't take note of what other people commented, because not only my mood will be affected, my anticipation will grow out of proportion, I may also be disappointed by it before I even watch it. As I said before, little things like comments affect me.
So, no reading of comments about the movie or looking at movie reviews until I watch the movie. Must tame those itchy fingers and curious mind.
Well, at least 1 thing good comes out from this. The date of Twilight the movie to be released is actually on December 25th, good thing they pushed it up. However, a little higher won't hurt too.
This is the song that I just made up (idea from Fly me to the moon):
Fly me to US
Let me dance around and dream
Let me see what Twilight's like
On the big theater's screen
In other words, my heart will sing
In other words, I'll be thrilled
Fill my appetite
With those scenes from the book
You are all I long for
All I waited and adore
In other words, my heart will sing
In other words, I love you
I've to say I pretty proud of it. I know the words don't rhyme. I've got the inspiration, just like that. Mostly original. 3rd song with lyrics I've created.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Going to library
After the US countdown is over, I'll be getting the Twilight countdown clock from my cousin. Time to countdown in Singapore. Less than 1 month and counting.
Yesterday, with an anticipating mood, I went to the newly open Yishun library @ Northpoint. Sure, it is bigger than before and has more shelves. What was extremely disappointing is the lack of books.
What's with the rows and rows of shelves when only an average of less than 10 books occupy one row?
I simply can't understand the concept here.
It's not that I'm fussy or anything, out of the 7-8 authors' novels I'm looking for, I got ZERO returns. Not even one book by one of the authors was available.
Anyway, I just randomly took books.
Must I really go reserved the books I want? It's $2 per reservation. I can't possibly reserved all the books, can I? I'll be broke.
In a way, it's obviously so much cheaper to reserve some of these books than to buy them. But, then again, if I must spend money on these books, I would rather pay at full price and get to keep them.
And, perhaps it's the school holidays or because Singaporeans like new stuff, the library, for once, was filled with people and young children. Not that it's a good thing. The library was not exactly that noisy but not quiet too.
I don't know. Think I'll give a few weeks for the library to settle this lack of books problem. I really hope this is temporary: the rise in number of library-goers and the lack of books.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Just another Twilight news
Today's Life section (18th Nov) featured Robert Pattinson in a movie tour in the USA. Twilight premiers this Friday in the US and some other countries!
OME! When will it be Singapore's turn? I want to be part of it too.
The wedding
The other bridesmaids stayed at my aunt’s house the day before and they were all ready, preparing some sort of weird stuff in the kitchen.
I went for my make-up and styled my hair. I’m sort of a fuss-free girl who don’t wears make-up or do any styling.
I then changed into my bridesmaid dress. This was the worst part. Wasn’t I worried that the dress won’t fit me? How ironic to find that the dress was too tight for me.
My cousin, the bride, was beautiful, of course. I really like her hairstyle and wedding gown.
My brother was in the role as the “brother” of the bride. He soon went downstairs to open the car door for the groom.
Mind you, all these took place in the dawn. I guessed we must had disturbed the neighbours.
We were to reach the groom’s house before 7am because of the auspicious hour. Cars were waiting for us by the roadside, driven by some of the best men. I was in a Lexus with 2 other bridesmaids.
It’s great experience to be part of the whole entourage instead of seeing it as a third person.
Went back to Hougang for the tea-ceremony. There was buffet too, but, as usual, I did not eat much. At about 11+am, we went back to Ang Mo Kio for the tea-ceremony. All my other mother-side relatives were there.
Went home to rest before the wedding banquet that evening.
I think there was a total of 50 tables. Surprisingly, my auntie from my father side was also invited. My cousin is an insurance client of hers. The food was quite alright, fish, prawns, chicken, duck, etc.
Unfortunately (or not), I went to the toilet when they asked the best men, bridesmaids and relatives of the bride and groom to go on stage to share a toast. When I returned with my mother, my father and brother told me they were looking for the cousin of the bride.
OK, I was feeling a little guilty for disappearing at the “wrong” timing.
It seemed like a good idea at the time but why do I always regret my actions after?
Regardless, it’s over and there’s no point in mulling over it.
We left the hotel at about 11+pm and I slept at 12pm because I was researching some stuff. This is one of the longest days I spent without sleeping.
It was really a wonderful experience though not a completely perfect day.
I asked my cousin to burn the CD containing the photos for me. Hopefully she will remember and my aunt will bring it to my place by this Sunday.
Monday, November 17, 2008
30 days to Twilight the movie before it's release in Singapore...
Can hardly wait, I'm sitting at the edge of my seat everyday.
I'll have my entry about my cousin's wedding and my whole experience being part of it ASAP. I'll see if I'll upload the photos.
I'm very tired and a little ill now.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Manicure 2
Below are pictures of my manicure. I find it very nice although it seems a little too overdo. I loved the simple design when the flowers were stick. But after the tiny"jewels" were added, it was a bit too much. There was a minimum of 5 tiny "jewels" per finger.
I love the matte silver with pink sparkly tip, (I should not have request for the sparkles to be more subtle) and the flower nail art.
Oh well, this is simply a once in a blue moon thing. I won't say how much the manicure cost, let's just say it's very expensive. And, my cousin paid it for me. So, thanks very much.
I will be reluctant to clean my fingers after (a week?)
Oh, have to wake up extra early tomorrow. Hoping to take some pictures on my own.
PS: I've updated my previous entry, now titled Epiphany (take 2).
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Epiphany (take 2)
There's a part of me that's fragile. That's why I can never be someone who "give out" to the public, like authors for example.
Taking the case of authors, they are normal human beings, with a dream to share. For them to come forward with their "babies" or dreams and publish them, needs a lot of courage.
Once the book is out, it and the author will have a 99.9% chance of being subjected to what we call "critics" and "criticism". To be truth, many a time, the criticism are not even constructive at all.
Those self-proclaimed "critics" shoot their mouths off without thinking and attack without a base. I've seen some pretty bad comments about some authors (their religions, dressing-style, etc) and their beloved books/novels (garbage, etc).
If you don't like something, then no one is forcing you to like it. But, you don't have attack the author and his/her book. Even worst, don't judge something without even experience it first. I can't understand how some people can "criticise" a book when he/she didn't even touch it.
I have a feeling that these people do that to hurt others and they feel powerful in doing so. These people are self-centered in a way that they don't care about people's feelings. I would love to see their reactions when they themselves or a loved one was in this business.
Let's have an example: Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight saga.
The more publicity the Twilight saga and her receives, the more criticism and attacks they get. Some of which are really baseless. When Breaking Dawn came out this August, there was a rise in criticism because Stephenie Meyer dares to try something new. People don't like the plot and attacked her for it.
Then the movie came, there was a sudden rise in new waves of criticism. Now, people who don't even read Twilight saga or not fans of it, became aware of Twilight. So, you can see where this is going.
Back to what I was saying, I write and brainstorm on what they called "fanfiction". Fanfiction is something that's based on characters from existing books/novels and given new lives with.
However, there's a very low chance of me sharing my "works" with others because for the simple fact that I can't take criticism.
I read fanfiction on a daily basis and some of these budding authors and their fanfiction are really good. They have nice plots and the characters are truly well explored. 'A minor character in a book suddenly become the leading person.' or 'He may be a bully in the book but actually suffers when he's at home'.
So, a job as an author is certainly out for me, unless I can be "stronger" and brush off those "baseless" criticism.
I really feel injustice for them, especially SM. I don't know why, but whenever I read these negative comments, I would be affected somewhat. I think it's because I'm a fan and although my feelings won't changed, my emotions will be affected.
She is a really good author and yet has to be on the receiving end of the bad things. I guess, being an author has its peaks and troughs.
For a best-selling book, you will have glory, earning ten-thousands to millions yet at the same time, you have to toughen your heart and brace yourself against these self-proclaimed "critics".
I respect books and their authors very much. I thanked them for sharing their dreams with the rest of the world.
If all people are like me, then in a few years time, there will be no new books being released and movies will probably be cut by half, since a lot of movies are based on books.
If I don't like a certain genre of novels, I won't read them, but at the same time, I won't criticise the plots.
I've chosen
I chose Diploma in Business. I'm torn between Logistics and Business but I chose Business in the end. Hopefully, I won't have to regret this choice.
PS: I really like my post about my thoughts on the actors/actresses :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Intro of actors from Twilight with thoughts
-Bella Swan --Kristen Stewart
-Edward Cullen-- Robert Pattinson
-Jacob Black-- Taylor Lautner
-Charlie Swan-- Billy Burke
-Alice Cullen-- Ashley Greene
-Rosalie Hale-- Nikki Reed
-Jasper Hale-- Jackson Rathbone
-Emmett Cullen--Kellan Lutz
-Carlisle Cullen-- Peter Facinelli
-Esme Cullen-- Elizabeth Reaser
-James-- Cam Gigandet
-Victoria-- Rachelle Lafevre
-Laurent-- Edi Gathegi
-Jessica Stanley-- Anna Kendrick
-Mike Newton-- Michael Welch
-Eric-- Justin Chon
-Angela-- Christian Serratos
-Billy Black-- Gil Birmingham
-Renee-- Sarah Clarke
-Tyler --Gregory Tyree Boyce
-Phil --Matt Bushell

~from left: Jackson Rathbone AKA Jasper Hale, Ashley Greene AKA Alice Cullen~
I don’t like his hairstyle, period.
Jasper is one of favourite characters although he’s not the main lead. He’s the intriguing, ever-loving, quiet member. He'll do anything for Alice.
So, you can guess my disappointment when I saw his almost funny hairstyle. I figured him with a more “disciplined”, neat hairstyle since he was from the Confederate Army.
Comparing him to the Img 6, I don’t know why, but that seems to be the Jasper I’m looking for. Perhaps, minus the smirk.

~from left: Nikki Reed AKA Rosalie Hale, Kellan Lutz AKA Emmett Cullen~
Kellan Lutz as the funny man Emmett will be great to watch. He’s the looks and built about him.

~from left: Cam Gigandet AKA James, Edi Gathegi AKA Laurent, Rachelle Lafevre AKA Victoria~

~Cullens' house with Edward's Volvo~
I do not really have issues with the other actors/actresses partly due to they are not playing my favourite characters. My favourites so far are Edward, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, Emmett.
I don’t want to mess up the memories and forms of the beloved Twilight characters in my head with the ones that will be portraying them in the movie. Already, there are signs of interweaving between the 2 very different categories. They are no longer exclusive as Twilight fictional characters.
For instance, many, many fans now treat Pattinson as Edward. I’m trying my best here to prevent that from happening to myself.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Too much of a hassle.
When it's my turn next time, I would want keep traditions at a minimum but also depending on which tradition appeals to me and such. I really don't like all these tradition stuff. It sounds so old-fashion and strict. You have to do this and that or can't do this and that. So restricting.
On another note, I'm going out tomorrow. Going with a friend to buy stuff to send to my friend in USA. I think I will be sending a card only.
I went to exchange Breaking Dawn for another book at Popular today. The staff is really helpful. Disappointed that there's not too many books to choose from, so I got "Can you keep a secret" by Sophie Kinsella who also wrote The Undomestic Goddess. Hope it is a good read.
Choices... Gah, I'm confuse as to what to choose for my diploma. Business or Logistics? Actually, I already sort of made up my mind but I'm open to options and is in denial. Really, regardless of what I choose, there's a 90% chance that I will regret it somehow. Human nature?
Furthermore, what I choose now, doesn't mean that I'm stuck with it through my life. Of course, I can always take something else for further studies.
Till then
Monday, November 10, 2008
Seems like a busy week ahead for me.
Tomorrow, I'm taking the Breaking Dawn my brothers and I bought for my cousin to see if it can be exchange for another book. If not, I'd just probably keep it, but should be alright, because I still have the receipt and have not open the plastic covering yet. And, it's decision making day. Which diploma to take?? That's the BIG question.
School ends early on Wednesday and I've been dying to eat lunch at the coffee shop near to the former Yishun Library.
Thursday, starting OB project. The mere thought of projects makes me sigh as it means long hours in school and such. Of course, I'm hardly in the position to complain because I should be happy that I'm with my original group members. Many things had happened and I'm not going to talk about them. Anyway, this is my blog so I can do whatever I want here.
Hoping to go to the newly open Yishun Library @ NorthPoint on Friday night. I can hardly wait to borrow books again. After a stressful day, what better way to unwind than to tuck yourself up and read a novel?
Saturday is for doing homework and Sunday will be the wedding of my cousin from my mother's side. Having mixed feelings here because while I'm excited about the whole thing, I'm also a little apprehensive about the bridemaid's dress.
I should think that by Wednesday, my entry about the characters from Twilight the movie will be up. I'm done with the draft and found most of the pictures. It's just about when is the "right" time to put all that together. Looking forward to this. I'm actually planning to seek permission for taking those pictures but the website didn't state anything, not even an email. So, I will put up a disclaimer and credit the website.
Having a question that I've been pondering. What is the difference between sunset and twilight? As in, the difference between the pictures of both. I search the image web and they didn't look any different to me. When the photographer put twilight in the description, the photos are showing the colours of sunset. So, does that mean I can use a photo of sunset and use it as twilight? Would that be fake?
The making-my-own-banners-and-avatars issue has hit me again. Once again, I've this strong calling to design my own banners for Twilight. All those beautiful and artistic banners and avatars made by people in are just amazing. I pretty envy them for the skills. Moi? I can only use existing photos and add quotes to them.
Anyway, I'm going to use the photos I take with my camera and develop them into banners. What I want now is a nice picture of sunset/twilight (preferably mine) and put in the quote the Twilight.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
I've the draft out and found most pictures.
Yesterday, went to Causeway Point and got myself another dress for the wedding dinner next week. This time, it's a deep, dark red dress with a red ribbon. The other is a simple, silver dress. Almost makes me wish that I could wear something better for my secondary school Prom. I guess that during Chinese New Year 2009, I can wear the dresses, if they still fit me.
That's about all.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
There will be movie stills, photo shots with my thoughts in it. I'll also be giving my opinions on certain actors/actresses chosen to play the beloved Twilight characters.
I, myself, look forward to typing this entry.
But, in the mean time, time is quite scarce. So, probably by next week, it will be up. I want it to be near perfect so I'll be doing drafts 1st.
This may be one of my best entry yet and I want to be proud of it.
(I've already did my thoughts and views on the rumoured New Moon movie, plot of Breaking Dawn, Twilight newest trailer, movies based on books, etc)
Let it be a tribute to the Twilight universe.
IY Twilight saga ~
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
US presidential race 2008
"Change is coming", he promised. But I do wonder how much can he change.
I don't know who said this but "taxes will be cut" sounds too good to be true. This may make citizens happy but is it really going to work? No country can afford not to have taxpayers.
I have no idea why I'm so interested in this election, most people don't even care since it's not us who are voting. I guess it concerns the world so that's why. It had been quite overwhelming to read about the presidential race and watched it on TV. Things that overwhelm appeals to me, or so I think.
Well, as an individual, all I can hope is that the world will be a better place with the new president of USA.
Disclaimer: All the opinions here are mine and mine alone.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Everything (Part 1)
Marketing tutorial is "boring" and we did not really have early dismissal. The teacher only go through the tutorial questions sparingly and spend most of the time focusing on the activity sheets. Not a very good thing. Marketing lecture is actually interesting at some points in time but unfortunately, I'm hardly paying attention to most parts.
Business Accounting 2 tutorial is kind of alright. Nothing much to say, except that the teacher is quite OK. Business Accounting 2 lecture is another thing altogether. The lecturer is strict and is the 1st lecturer who make full use of the 2 hours. Very, very tedious for me. Her teaching is not bad though, but as I say, I don't pay much attention during lectures.
Organisation Behaviour is just a replica of POM. Memorising work. The tutorial, again, does not emphasize on tutorial questions. Rather, he just go through them and revise the past chapter. As a result, the class will end early, not that I'm complaining. OB lectures are, boring. Copying notes and hardly listening.
I can't really judge Macro Economics tutorials as today is the 1st time he came to class. But, he was very fast and steady in what he taught. In 50 minutes, we're out of the class. He says it's not his style to provide answers. Instead, he just go through it and you have to catch what he's saying. Not sure I like it but the short tutorial is very welcoming.
I still preferred my Micro Economics teacher last semester. He's the best teacher so far.
Business Stats lectures are quite long but ok because most of the time, I'm just tuning off. Bad, but what can I do? Stats can be easy but very, very tedious. There are so many weird formulas so it's a good thing we're having open-book tests and exams.
Stats tutorials are also ok, I suppose. Sometimes, we need to do some class assignments besides from checking our homework.
French lectures are actually fun and interesting but it's spoilt by the large amounts of inconsiderate people who don't know how to shut their mouths. The whole lecture hall is already full of people and yet a sizable amount of them are making so much noise.
If I can't stand it, I don't think the lecturer could. However, since it's only 1 hour of lecture, they can't possibly stop every few minutes to scold them. Instead, the lecturer just carry on. Yesterday, the new lecturer said this is the worse lecture ever. He don't know how are we going what he's is saying amid all the noise. I could tell that he's really frustrated. Well, I'm not happy too.
All in all, I think the lecture halls are giving out some vibe that makes me lost concentration and feels sleepy.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Mother's bday & twilight-related stuff
Earles Swensens is a more high-end outlet than the normal Swensens. The courses there are more expensive and different and there’s a salad bar too.
After that, we went to Harris bookstore. My brother was a newly-convert of Twilight! By me and my cousin, apparently. He was the subject of all my ramblings about everything Twilight- related for a long time. That must have piqued his interest. Furthermore, my cousin started reading Twilight (or should I said New Moon); he said he got tempted to read it too. I or rather, he, bought Twilight. I’ve been waiting ages for to complete my collection so its killing 2 birds with one stone.
Anyway, I was a little a miffed at the fact that the cashier/salesperson think that I don’t know about the Twilight saga just because I picked up and got excited about Twilight (1st book). This did not happen to me only once. Do I looked like I’ve been living under a rock all this while or that it was because of the upcoming movie that made me want to read it? Please, I probably have more knowledge about Twilight saga, Stephenie Meyer and the movie more than them or other people in general.
See, that's why I don't like something to be so publicise. It spoils the whole feeling.
I know they are doing their jobs, by recommending books. In other circumstances, I would greatly appreciate that, but just not in this case.